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ALPHAT, the trigger control board for the ALPHA-g detector


  • xxx

General characteristics


Board schematics

Available hardware

Firmware update procedure

Firmware revisions

ALPHA-g trigger functions

Control registers

Number Name Access FwRev Description
0 FwRev RO Firmware revision (0x01YYMMDD)

UDP data format

Offset Name Quartus name FwRev Description
0 packet counter none all UDP packet counter. Automatically added by UDP transmitter code in the GRIFC base firmware
1 0x8 packet header all 28 bits of counter_trig_out
2 trigger timestamp trig_ts all 62.5MHz trigger timestamp
3 accepted triggers counter_trig_out all counter of accepted triggers
4 input triggers counter_trig_in all counter of trigger input
5 pulser triggers counter_pulser all counter of pulser triggers
6 trigger bitmap udp_trig_bits 0x5a48448d (30Dec17_17:59) bitmap of trigger information, see below
7 nim bits udp_nim_bits_masked ??? 32 bits of ADC NIM inputs (2 bits per ADC)
8 esata bits udp_esata_bits_masked ??? 32 bits of ADC ESATA inputs (2 bits per ADC)
9 0x9 packet footer all 28 bits of counter_trig_out
  • trigger bitmap:


  • add FwRev to the UDP data output

