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Input channel mapping

  • 0+16 : first ECL connector
  • 16+16 : second ECL connector
  • 32+8 : LEMO inputs (TTL)
  • 40+18 : GPIO inputs (FPGA pins)
  • 58 : external clock (10 MHz nominal)
  • 59 : internal clock (100 MHz)

Install chronobox software

git clone
cd chronobox_software
make clean
ls -l *.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 olchansk users 18808 Aug 16 15:26 reboot_cb.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 olchansk users 47256 Aug 16 15:26 srunner_cb.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 olchansk users 20732 Aug 16 15:26 test_cb.exe

Install chronobox quartus firmware project

cd online/git
git clone
cd chronobox_firmware
cat timestamp.v
ls -l output_files/*.jic

Firmware revisions

  • 0x5aceaed2 - April 2018 - all inputs connected to counters (except ext clock), 58 inputs, 50 MHz clock
  • 0x5b6de806 - August 2018 - added fpga boot flash programmer and fpga reboot
  • 0x5b7c827d - August 2018 - bshaw added debounce on GPIO inputs (for flow meters), 100 MHz clock
  • 0x5b873169 - August 2018 - rebuilt, no changes
  • 0x5b89e4b4 - August 2018 - added external clock signal, 59 inputs, 100 MHz clock
  • 0x5b8de2b0 - September 2018 - added data fifo and timestamp counters (TSCs) for the first 4 inputs
  • 0x5b906c56 - September 2018 - improved overflow markers, added scalers readout into the data fifo

Firmware update

If FPGA is not running compatible firmware srunner_cb will not work. To proceed, load the correct SOF file via JTAG (, then srunner_cb should work and will be able to load the jic or rpd file into the FPGA boot flash memory.

Different revisions of the DE10-Nano board have different FPGA boot flash chips, some have EPCQ128 (use the "-128" option), some have the EPCQ64 chip (use the "-64" option). Use "srunner_cb -id" per example below to identify which flash chip is present on each specific chronobox. Note that the DE10-Nano documentation and the firmware quartus project generally refer to the EPCS64/EPCQ64 chip. The only practical difference is the use of "-128" or "-64" srunner_cb options.

./srunner_cb.exe -id -64 /dev/null # identify EPCS64 flash
./srunner_cb.exe -id -128 /dev/null # identify EPCQ128 flash
./srunner_cb.exe -read -128 test.rpd # read flash contents into a file
#./srunner_cb.exe -program -128 /home/olchansk/git/chronobox_firmware/output_files/DE10_NANO_SoC_GHRD_auto.rpd # write firmware rpd file into flash
./srunner_cb.exe -program -128 ~agmini/online/firmware/git/chronobox_firmware/output_files/DE10_NANO_SoC_GHRD_auto.rpd
./reboot_cb.exe # reboot the fpga into the new firmware

Chronobox firmware registers

reg | rw/ro | quartus name | firmware | description
0 | ro | sof_revision_in | all | firmware revision timestamp code
0 | wo | latch_scalers_out, zero_scalers_out | all | write bit 0: latch_scalers, bit 1: zero scalers
1 | rw | reg1_led_out | all | DE10-Nano LED output
2 | ro | switches_in | all | read DE10-Nano switches
3 | ro | buttons_in | all | read DE10-Nano buttons
4 | rw | reg4_test | all | 32-bit read-write test register
5 | rw | flash_programmer_in, reg5_flash_programmer_out | 0x5b6de806 | 0xABCD srunner flash programmer
6 | ro | ecl_in | all | read state of ECL inputs
7 | ro | reg7_test_in | all | ???
8 | rw | scaler_addr_out, reg8_scaler_data_in | all | top 16 bits of address becomes scaler bus address, 32 bit read is the corresponding scaler data
9 | ro | lemo_in | all | read state of LEMO inputs
A | ro | gpio_in | all | read state of GPIO inputs
B | rw | regB_lemo_out | all | LEMO output data
C | rw | regC_gpio_out | all | GPIO output data
D | rw | regD_out_enable_out | all | enable output tristates: [31:24] - LEMO_OUT, [17:0] - GPIO_OUT
E | rw | regE, reconfig_out | 0x5b6de806 | FPGA reboot: write inverted firmware revision (reg0) to reboot the FPGA
F | ro | regF_input_num_in | 0x5b89e4b4 | number of chronobox inputs (to read scalers, add 1 for the clock counter)
10 | ro | reg10_fifo_status | 0x5b8de2b0 | data fifo status, see below
11 | ro | reg11_fifo_data | 0x5b8de2b0 | data fifo data, see below

reg 0x10

Data FIFO status bits:

31: fifo_full
30: fifo_empty
29: 0
28: 0
24+4: 0
0+24: fifo_usedw

FIFO data format

  • 0x8ntttttt: TSC data, 24 bits "tttttt" of timestamp, 7 bits "nn" of channel number, top bit set to 1
  • 0xffffmmmm: timestamp wrap around counter: mmmm increments for each timestamp wrap around
  • 0xfffexxxx: reserved for TSC burst suppression:
  • 0xfffdnnnn: scaler data, following "nnnn" words are the latched scalers


test_cb.exe is the general test program for the chronobox.

  • test_cb.exe 0 # read chronobox register 0
  • test_cb.exe 4 0x1234 # write to chronobox register 4
  • test_cb.exe reboot # reboot the FPGA (the ARM CPU keeps running)
  • test_cb.exe scalers # read all scalers in a loop