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=== Prepare the user account ===
* Setup the user account for running this instance of midas. For machines part of the LADD cluster, follow these <a href="">instructions</a></li>
* check that the account is using the /bin/tcsh shell
* make $HOME/.cshrc look like this:
#!/bin/echo You must source
setenv LANG C
setenv SVN_EDITOR "emacs -nw"
setenv CVS_RSH ssh
setenv MIDASSYS $HOME/packages/midas
setenv ROOTSYS  $HOME/packages/root
setenv MIDAS_EXPTAB $HOME/online/exptab
# setup the MIDAS mserver
switch (`hostname`)
case ladd05*:
    unsetenv MIDAS_SERVER_HOST
# select 64-bit or 32-bit MIDAS and ROOT
switch (`uname -i`)
case i386:
    #export ROOTSYS=/triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.20.00_SL45_32
    setenv ROOTSYS /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.28.00_SL55_32
    setenv PATH .:$MIDASSYS/linux-m32/bin:$PATH
    #export ROOTSYS=/triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.26.00b_SL54_64
    #setenv ROOTSYS /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.28.00_SL55_64
    setenv ROOTSYS $HOME/packages/root
    setenv PATH .:$MIDASSYS/linux/bin:$PATH
setenv PATH .:$HOME/online/bin:$HOME/packages/roody/bin:$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH
* mkdir $HOME/packages
* Logout and login again, for .cshrc changes to take effect
=== Install ROOT ===
* Identify the Linux version: RH9 (Red Hat Linux 9), FC3 (Fedora Core 3), RHEL4/SL4 (Red Hat Enterprise LInux 4/Scientific Linux 4), SL5, SL6: more /etc/redhat-release
* Decide to use 32-bit or 64-bit ROOT
* cd $HOME/packages
* ls -l /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/ ### to see all available ROOT packages
* ln -s /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_vNNN_VVV_BB root, where NNN is the latest available version of ROOT ("ls -l /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root"), VVV is the Linux version code (RH9, FC3, SL4, etc) and BB is "_32" or "_64" for 32-bit or 64-bit ROOT. For example: /triumfcs/trshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.10.00_SL40
* Check that ROOT works: "echo $ROOTSYS", "$ROOTSYS/bin/root"
=== Install MIDAS ===
* cd $HOME/packages
* svn co svn+ssh:// midas, password "svn". (password has to be entered twice)
* svn co svn+ssh:// mxml
* cd midas
* make
* (only if needed) make linux32 ### build the 32-bit MIDAS libraries
* ls -l linux/bin/odbedit ### check that odbedit has been created (do not run it yet)
=== Install ROOTANA ===
* cd $HOME/packages
* svn checkout rootana (say "p" to accept the ladd00 ssl certificate, use username "svn", password "svn")
* cd rootana
* make
=== Install ROODY ===
* cd $HOME/packages
* svn checkout roody
* cd roody
* make
* $HOME/packages/roody/bin/roody, run the program
<h2><br /></h2>
<h1>Instructions for setting up a new MIDAS DAQ system from scratch.</h1>
        <li>setup the VME hardware:
            <li>VME crate
            <li>VMIC processor
            <li>On all VME modules, set the VME address jumpers as described <a href="vme_jumpers">here</a>
        <li>create a new user for this daq system (kopio03), follow <a href="NewLaddUser">these instructions</a>
        <li>install ROOT, MIDAS, ROOTANA, ROODY, etc, follow <a href="installmidas.html">these instructions</a></li><li>add following text to .cshrc, replacing XXX with the hostname of the computer hosting this experiment (the computer running "mserver"). Multiple experiments can run on the same machine by using different mserver ports (7071) and mhttpd ports (8081).<br /></li></ul>
<pre>switch (`hostname`)
case XXX*:
    unsetenv MIDAS_SERVER_HOST
    setenv MIDAS_SERVER_HOST XXX:7071
        <li>login as new user
        <li>mkdir online
        <li>cd online
        <li>mkdir bin src elog history</li>
        <li>mkdir -p /ladd/data1/t2kvme5/data; ln -s /ladd/data1/t2kvme5/data .</li>
        <li>create the exptab file "$HOME/online/exptab" following the example below. The first entry (exptname) is the name if the DAQ system (MIDAS experiment name), the second entry (/home/USER/online) is the location of MIDAS shared memory buffers (by convention, $HOME/online), the third entry (kopio03) is your username.
<pre>exptname /home/kopio03/online kopio03</pre>
        <li>create $HOME/online/bin/, replacing XXX with the hostname of the machine running the experiment (and changing the mserver and mhttpd ports, as needed)<br /></li></ul>
cd $HOME/online
case `hostname` in
    echo "Good, we are on XXX!"
    echo "The start_daq script should be executed on XXX"
    exit 1
odbedit -c clean
mhttpd  -p 8081 -D
mserver -p 7071 -D
mlogger -D
#end file</pre>
        <li>run $HOME/online/bin/</li><li>open the midas status page at http://localhost:8081 (you will see most stuff "red" as nothing is running yet)
        </li><li>cd $HOME/online/src, copy Makefile, fevme.cxx
        <li>make (creates fevme.exe executable)
        </li><li>run ./fevme.exe (on the computer with the VME interface, could be different from computer hosting the experiment)<br /></li>
        <li>odbedit, run these commands: (replace user names and directory names)
<pre>set "/Logger/Message file" "/home/kopio03/online/midas.log"
set "/Logger/Data Dir"    "/home/kopio03/online/data"
create STRING "/Logger/History dir"
set "/Logger/History dir"  "/home/kopio03/online/history"
create STRING "/Logger/Elog dir"
set "/Logger/Elog dir"    "/home/kopio03/online/elog"
        <li> run $HOME/online/bin/</li>
        <li>odbedit, run these commands: (replace user names and directory names)
<pre>set "/Logger/ODB dump file" "/home/kopio03/online/history/run%05d.xml"
set "/Logger/ODB dump" "y"
set "/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Filename" "run%05d.mid.gz"
set "/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Compression"  1
set "/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/ODB Dump" "y"
</li><li>open web browser firefox http://localhost:8081
        <li>save the url bookmark to the "personal toolbar"
        <li>start run, end run
        </li><li>...<br /></li>
        <li>go back to the midas web page, everything should be green
        <li>start a run
        <li>send signals to the ADC gate
        <li>you should be getting events
        <li>to look at data, proceed with setting up the <a href="../../../SR/rootana">ROOT analyzer</a>
<h2>Install VMIC VME driver (universe-II pci/vme bridge)<br /></h2>
        <li>login as root (ssh root@localhost)</li>
        <li>get latest version of vmic driver from ladd00: scp username@ladd00:/home/olchansk/daq/vmisft-7433-NNN-KOMMM.tar.gz .</li>
        <li>tar xzvf vmisft-7433-3.5-KO2.tar.gz</li>
        <li>chown -R root.root vmisft-7433-3.5-KO2</li>
        <li>cd vmisft-7433-3.5-KO2</li>
        <li>cd vme_universe</li>
        <li>make install</li>
        <li>cd ..</li>
        <li>edit /etc/rc.local, add these lines:
<pre>modprobe vme_universe
mkdir -p /dev/bus/vme
mknod /dev/bus/vme/ctl c 221 8
chmod a+wr /dev/bus/vme/ctl</pre>
        <li>run "modprobe vme_universe", run "lsmod" to check that the vme_universe module was loaded</li>
        <li>run "ls -l /dev/bus/vme/ctl" to check that the VME device file exists, it should be "crw-rw-rw-  1 root root 221, 8 Feb 17 15:47 /dev/bus/vme/ctl"</li></ul>
<h2>Install GEF VME driver (tsi148 pci/vme bridge)<br /></h2>
<ul><li>login as root (ssh root@localhost)</li><li>yum install kernel-devel<br /></li><li>get latest version of the driver from ladd00: scp username@ladd00:/home/olchansk/daq/v7865/v7865-sdk-linux-R01.00-KONNN.tar.gz<br /></li><li>tar xzvf v7865-sdk-linux-R01.00-KO6.tar.gz<br /></li><li>chown -R root.root v7865-sdk-linux-R01.00-KO6<br /></li><li>cd v7865-sdk-linux-R01.00-KO6/gefvme/module</li><li>make</li><li>make install</li><li>cd $HOME</li><li>edit /etc/rc.local, verify that it has these 2 lines:<br />
<pre>modprobe gefvme
sh /root/gefvme-makedevs</pre>
</li><li>run "modprobe gefvme", run "lsmod" to check that the gefvme module was loaded</li><li>run
"/home/olchansk/daq/vme/vmescan_gef.exe" to check that vme access works.</li><br /></ul>

Latest revision as of 09:19, 2 February 2022