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= CriticalLink MityARM =
= Links =
= Links =

* [[MityARM]]
* inventory
* (dead) redmine project
* (dead) svn checkout
* (obsolete) firmware sources: see mess in daq00:/home/olchansk/daq/CAMAC-Crate-Controller. hint: never converted from svn to git.
= Useful links =

= minicom settings =
= Getting Started =

* For general information on the Critical Link ARM SOM, start here [[MityARM]]
* Follow instruction at [[MityARM]] to login into Linux
    | A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0                              |
* Build and install GPMC-CAMAC drivers
    | B - Lockfile Location    : /var/lock                                |
* Load the FPGA firmware
    | C -  Callin Program      :                                          |
* Run CAMAC tests
    | D -  Callout Program      :                                          |
    | E -    Bps/Par/Bits      : 115200 8N1                                |
    | F - Hardware Flow Control : No                                        |
    | G - Software Flow Control : No                                        |
    |                                                                      |
    |    Change which setting?                                              |
+--------------------[Modem and dialing parameter setup]---------------------+
|                                                                            |
| A - Init string .........                                                  |
| B - Reset string ........                                                  |
| C - Dialing prefix #1.... ATDT                                            |
| D - Dialing suffix #1.... ^M                                              |
| E - Dialing prefix #2.... ATDP                                            |
| F - Dialing suffix #2.... ^M                                              |
| G - Dialing prefix #3.... ATX1DT                                          |
| H - Dialing suffix #3.... ;X4D^M                                          |
| I - Connect string ...... CONNECT                                          |
| J - No connect strings .. NO CARRIER            BUSY                      |
|                          NO DIALTONE          VOICE                      |
| K - Hang-up string ...... ~~+++~~ATH^M                                    |
| L - Dial cancel string .. ^M                                              |
|                                                                            |
| M - Dial time ........... 45      Q - Auto bps detect ..... No            |
| N - Delay before redial . 2      R - Modem has DCD line .. Yes            |
| O - Number of tries ..... 10      S - Status line shows ... DTE speed      |
| P - DTR drop time (0=no). 1      T - Multi-line untag .... No            |
|                                                                            |
| Change which setting?      (Return or Esc to exit)                        |

Line 137: Line 94:
* all GPMC registers are 32-bit wide
* all GPMC registers are 32-bit wide

== LEDs ==
== LEDs (Rev1) ==
Line 146: Line 103:

== Front Panel LEMO connectors ==
== Front Panel LEMO connectors (Rev1) ==

Line 160: Line 117:

== Install software ==
== Install the software ==
* Get and build the software tools

* build user-land tools
ssh lxdaq30
ssh daquser@armdaq02
cd /home/olchansk/daq/CAMAC-Crate-Controller/edevel00195/CAMAC-Crate-Controller/LINUX
mkdir packages
make XCC=cc XCXX=g++
cd packages
git clone
cd gpmc-camac
ls -l gpmc camac srunner_gpmc
-bash-4.2$ ls -l gpmc camac srunner_gpmc
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 668337 Dec  6 22:43 camac
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 654454 Dec  6 22:43 gpmc
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 692961 Dec  6 22:43 srunner_gpmc

* build kernel driver
* build kernel driver
ssh ladd00
cd gpmc-camac/kernel-module
cd /home/olchansk/daq/CAMAC-Crate-Controller/edevel00195/CAMAC-Crate-Controller/LINUX/kernel-module
ls -l gpmc_camac_module.ko
-bash-4.2$ ls -l gpmc_camac_module.ko
-rw-rw-r-- 1 daquser users 93154 Dec  6 22:48 gpmc_camac_module.ko
* if /daq/daqshare/olchansk is not available, building the kernel module will fail. To proceed, get the correct kernel sources and cross-compiler:
cd ~/packages
git clone
git clone # not needed for building kernel module
cd gpmc-camac/kernel-module
edit Makefile, change KDIR to $HOME/packages/linux-mityarm-335x and CROSS_COMPILE=location of cross-compiler tools
* Note: gpmc-camac kernel module for Linux kernel uImage-KO10 (uname -a "Linux 3.2.0-00377-gb23ecfb-dirty #33 Sun Nov 13 05:10:32 UTC 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux") *MUST* be built using native gcc (make CROSS_COMPILE=).
* install kernel drivers
cd $HOME/packages/gpmc-camac/kernel-module
make install
make install
su - ### login as root
### follow instructions printed by "make install"

* install kernel driver
* verify that debugfs is mounted on /sys/kernel/debug: ls -l /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/

(follow instructions printed by "make install")
* run /etc/rc.local or reboot

add this to /etc/rc.local:
== Firmware revisions ==

Run "./camac" to read the firmware revision number (reg0)
# enable GPMC pins

echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad8    ### AD pin
* 0x14120723 - ???
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad9    ### AD pin
* 0x15012159 - working Rev1, old/new "done" bit.
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad10    ### AD pin
* 0x15120106 - Rev2 AUX (ok on Rev1 board)
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad11    ### AD pin
* 0x15120946 - Rev2 MASTER
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad12    ### AD pin
* note: LAM register does not seem to work in these firmware (register 7 LAM bits are always 1)
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad13    ### AD pin
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad14    ### AD pin
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad15    ### AD pin

echo 8 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_csn1    ### CS pin
== Firmware sources ==
echo 8 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_csn2    ### CS pin
echo 8 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_csn3    ### CS pin

echo 8 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ben1    ### output pin
Firmware sources are stored on the edev redmine system:
echo 30 >> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_clk    ### CLK has to be configured as in "input" pin
svn checkout

Line 313: Line 301:

31 - not used
31 - camac_done (from ???) - CAMAC state machine has finished
30 - not used
30 - timeout_done (from 0x25022050) - CAMAC arbitration timeout
29 - not used
29 - not used

Latest revision as of 03:53, 21 February 2025


Getting Started

  • For general information on the Critical Link ARM SOM, start here MityARM
  • Follow instruction at MityARM to login into Linux
  • Build and install GPMC-CAMAC drivers
  • Load the FPGA firmware
  • Run CAMAC tests


BOOTCONFIG settings:

  • CL eval board:
    • BOOTCONFIG[0..11] are SYSBOOT[0..11]
    • boot from SD: all open, [3] closed
    • boot from on-SoM NAND: all open, close [2], [3], [8], [9], [10], [11] (6 jumpers)
  • CAMAC board Rev1:
    • top-to-bottom: B0..4,G0..5,R0 correspond to LCD_DATA[0..11] are SYSBOOT[0..11]
    • boot from SD: all open, B3 closed
    • boot from on-SoM NAND: all open, close B2, B3, G3, G4, G5, R0 (6 jumpers)


  • boot from EMAC1 requires PHY connection to RGMII1, CLeval and CAMAC boards connected PHY to RGMII2.

SYSBOOT modes: table 26-7

00000 - reserved
00001 - UART0
00010 - UART0
00011 - UART0
00100 - UART0
00101 - UART0
00110 - EMAC1, SYSBOOT[7..6]: 00=MII, 01=RMII, 10=reserved, 11=RGMII
00111 - EMAC1
01000 - EMAC1
01001 - EMAC1
01010 - EMAC1
01011 - USB0
01100 - USB0
01101 - USB0
01110 - reserved
01111 - fast external boot
10000 - XIP
10001 - XIP
10010 - NAND
10011 - NAND
10100 - NAND
10101 - NAND-I2C
10110 - SPI0
10111 - MMC0 <---- default (boot from SD flash) - other bits - don't care
11000 - SPI0
11001 - SPI0
11010 - XIP
11011 - XIP
11100 - MMC1
11101 - reserved
11110 - reserved
11111 - fast external boot

GPMC interface

0x8 = CS0 - on-SoM NAND flash (boot loader)
0x9 = CS1 - not used
0xa = CS2 - not used
0xb = CS3 - CAMAC interface

./gpmc 0x0a000000 0x12ff5678

CAMAC interface

General information:

  • CAMAC interface responds to GPMC CS3
  • the host CPU should always issue 32-bit read and write cycles on even addresses (last 2 bits of address set to 0)
  • address bits 15..12 address the FPGA GPMC registers (4 bits, 16 registers)
  • remaining address bits are used for encoding CAMAC operations
  • all GPMC registers are 32-bit wide

LEDs (Rev1)

gpmc            0x0008 |OO| 0x0040 ACB RQ (lemo output "request")
busy            0x0010 |OO| 0x0080 grant_in (lemo input)
ACB RQ          0x0020 |OO| 0x0100 ACB RI

Front Panel LEMO connectors (Rev1)

| busy out
| inhibit in
| grant in
| grant out
| request out

Install the software

  • Get and build the software tools
ssh daquser@armdaq02
mkdir packages
cd packages
git clone
cd gpmc-camac
ls -l gpmc camac srunner_gpmc
-bash-4.2$ ls -l gpmc camac srunner_gpmc
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 668337 Dec  6 22:43 camac
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 654454 Dec  6 22:43 gpmc
-rwxrwxr-x 1 daquser users 692961 Dec  6 22:43 srunner_gpmc
  • build kernel driver
cd gpmc-camac/kernel-module
ls -l gpmc_camac_module.ko
-bash-4.2$ ls -l gpmc_camac_module.ko
-rw-rw-r-- 1 daquser users 93154 Dec  6 22:48 gpmc_camac_module.ko
  • if /daq/daqshare/olchansk is not available, building the kernel module will fail. To proceed, get the correct kernel sources and cross-compiler:
cd ~/packages
git clone
git clone # not needed for building kernel module
cd gpmc-camac/kernel-module
edit Makefile, change KDIR to $HOME/packages/linux-mityarm-335x and CROSS_COMPILE=location of cross-compiler tools
  • Note: gpmc-camac kernel module for Linux kernel uImage-KO10 (uname -a "Linux 3.2.0-00377-gb23ecfb-dirty #33 Sun Nov 13 05:10:32 UTC 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux") *MUST* be built using native gcc (make CROSS_COMPILE=).
  • install kernel drivers
cd $HOME/packages/gpmc-camac/kernel-module
make install
su - ### login as root
### follow instructions printed by "make install"
  • verify that debugfs is mounted on /sys/kernel/debug: ls -l /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/
  • run /etc/rc.local or reboot

Firmware revisions

Run "./camac" to read the firmware revision number (reg0)

  • 0x14120723 - ???
  • 0x15012159 - working Rev1, old/new "done" bit.
  • 0x15120106 - Rev2 AUX (ok on Rev1 board)
  • 0x15120946 - Rev2 MASTER
  • note: LAM register does not seem to work in these firmware (register 7 LAM bits are always 1)

Firmware sources

Firmware sources are stored on the edev redmine system:

svn checkout

Firmware update

  • test the active serial flash programmer interface
$ ./srunner_gpmc -id -16 /dev/null

Operation: Identify EPCS Device
Info: Found GPMC 0xABCD FlashProgrammer interface.

Info: Silicon ID - 0x14 
Info: Serial Configuration Device - EPCS16

Operation Completed!!!
  • write pof file to flash memory
$ ./srunner_gpmc -program -16 CAMAC_Crat_Controller.pof

Operation: Programming EPCS
Info: Programming file: "CAMAC_Crat_Controller.pof" opened.
Info: File size: 2097359 bytes.
Skipping POF file header: start of data at 154, file size 2097359, remain 2097205, modulo 1024 = 53
Final file size 2097152
Info: Found GPMC 0xABCD FlashProgrammer interface.

Info: Silicon ID - 0x14 
Info: Serial Configuration Device - EPCS16
Info: Erasing...
....................Info: Erase Done
Info: Start programming process.

Info: Programming 8192 pages...
Info: Programming successful

Operation Completed!!!
  • reboot the FPGA
lxdaq30:LINUX$ ./camac --reboot
CAMAC firmware: 0x14120407
rebooting FPGA...
CAMAC firmware: 0x14120711

Register 1 - command

Write-only 32 bit register:

command 1: CMD_reset: 0x
command 2: CMD_reconfigure
command 3: CMD_TestMode
command 4: CMD_Zero
command 5: CMD_Clear
command 6: CMD_Inhibit
command 7: CMD_WriteLED: 0xXXXX0007 -> write 0xXXXX to the LED bus

Register 2 - test read/write register

32-bit read/write register for testing GPMC bus communications

Register 3 - FPGA flash programmer

active-serial flash programmer interface (see srunner, srunner_vme and srunner_gpmc).

Register 4 and 5 - CAMAC command, write data and read data

A write cycle to the GPMC bus carries 16 bits of address and 32 bits of data:

Address 16 bits (Quartus cmd_A[15..0])
15..12 - GPMC register address 
11 - not used
10 - not used
9 - not used
8..4 - CAMAC N[4..0]
3 - CAMAC F[4]
2 - CAMAC_start - set this bit to 1 to trigger a CAMAC operation. Value 0 is for testing the communications without running the CAMAC sequencer.
1 - not accessible
0 - not accessible

Data 32 bits: (Quartus cmd_D[31..0])
31..28 - CAMAC F[3..0]. (CAMAC F[4] is cmd_A[3])
27..24 - CAMAC A[3..0]
23..0 - CAMAC write lines W[24..1]

To verify correct data transmission on the GPMC bus and correct latching of the data in the CAMAC part of the FPGA, the 32 bits of data can be read back through register 4 and the 16 bits of address can be read through the low 16 bits of register 5. Reading from these registers is not necessary for operating CAMAC cycles.

Register 6 - CAMAC status and read data

Read-only 32 bit register:

31 - camac_done (from ???) - CAMAC state machine has finished
30 - timeout_done (from 0x25022050) - CAMAC arbitration timeout
29 - not used
27 - BUSY
26 - set to 1 when CAMAC cycle is finished and new data is ready
23..0 - CAMAC read data[24..1]

Register 7 - CAMAC LAM and interface status

Read-only 32-bit register:

27 - ACB ACL
26 - ACB RI
25 - ACB RQ
24 - not used
23..0 - CAMAC LAM from slots 24..1

Software commands

./gpmc # initialize the GPMC interface
./gpmc 0x0b000000 # read firmware revision
./gpmc 0x0b001000 2 # reconfigure the fpga
./srunner_gpmc -id -64 /dev/null # use the flash programmer to read the flash chip identity
./srunner_gpmc -program -16 ../QUARTUS/output_files/CAMAC_Crat_Controller.pof # write POF file into the flash (remember to do an FPGA reconfigure to reboot into the new firmware)
./gpmc 0x0b001000 0x01f80007 # write to the LEDs
./gpmc 0x0b0040ac 0x00123456 # run some camac cycle
./gpmc 0x0b001000 0x80000003 # enable test mode
./gpmc 0x0b004174 0x00123456 # read from slot 23 - "manual input register"
./gpmc 0x0b00416c 0x00000000 # write to slot 22 - dataway display
./gpmc 0x0b00416c 0x00ffffff # write to slot 22 - dataway display
./gpmc 0x0b006000 # read CAMAC read data and status
./gpmc 0x0a00012c # reconfigure FPGA thorugh the CS2 line
./gpmc # initialize the GPMC interface
./camac # read firmware revision, etc
./camac --reboot # reboot the FPGA
./camac --scan # scan CAMAC crate
./camac --gpmctest1 # test GPMC bus integrity - read/write test
./camac --gpmctest2 # test GPMC bus integrity - both data and address read/write test
./camac --testleds # test front panel LEDs - they should blink at 1Hz
./camac --testlemo # test front panel LEMOs - the voltages should alternate between 0V and ???V at 1Hz
./camac r # read CAMAC register r, e.g. \"./camac 0\" to read register 0 - firmware revision
./camac w v # write CAMAC register w with value v, e.g. \"./camac 2 0xabcd\" to write 0xabcd to test register 2
./camac n f a w # run a CAMAC cycle with given N, F, A, write data W

List of on-board hardware
