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= Links =
= Links =

* - TRIUMF gitlab repository
* [[MVM-IT]] MVM with Italian baseboard
** - TRIUMF copy of mvm_gui
* [[MVM-TR]] MVM with TRIUMF baseboard
* [[ESP32]] ESP32 information
** - ESP32 development branch
* [[RPI3]] RPi3 information
** - board schematics
** - board layout
* Italian repositories:
** - Milano git repository
** - GUI git repository
* - TRIUMF edev repository
** - board schematics
** - board layout
* [[ESP32]] - ESP32 information: adafruit HUZZA32 and ESP-WROOM32 modules
* [[RPI3]] - RaspberryPi3 information: install Raspbian, etc
= General information =
* external power supply: 24 VDC screw terminals
** regulated down to 5V USB power (+5V_USB) which is
** regulated down to 3.3V (+3V_CPU)
* 4 channels of relay drivers
* 2 screw terminals (CPU_BUZZ/BUZZ and CPU_AUX/AUX1)
* 2 screw terminals (CPU_LED1/AUX2 and CPU_LED2/AUX3)
* connection for "featherwing 2.4in" display
* 7 screw terminals for I2C (I2C 0..6)
* 1 screw terminal for SPI (EXT_SPI_CS0)
* 1 pressure sensor
* 3 sites for microcontroller (only 1 at a time): Adafruit HUZZA32, NanoPi, RaspberryPi
= Switches and Jumpers =
* JMP3/JMP4 - select +3V_CPU from our regulator or from ESP32 internal regulator
* SW1/SW2/SW3/SW4 - select I2C power +3V_CPU or +5V_USB
* JMP1_DRV1/JMP2_DRV1 (DRV1..DRV4) - select relay driver
= Test plan =
* ESP32 I2C communication with pressure sensor (standalone): [BS 2020apr2].
* board powered 24V: [DB/BS 2020apr4]
* ESP32 runs: [BS 2020apr4, KO 2020apr5]
* RaspberryPi runs: [LM 2020apr5, KO 2020apr5]
* ESP32 to RPi3 USB connection ok, ESP32 powered from USB or 24VDC ok, no crash when 24VDC power is cycled [KO 2020apr5]
* ESP32 featherwing TFT display ok (standalone): [KO 2020apr5]
* control and readback of relays (valves): ESP32 [BS 2020apr4], RPi [LM 2020apr5, KO 2020apr5]
* I2C communication: ESP32 [BS 2020apr4], RPi [LM 2020apr5]
* ESP32 Wifi radio works: [KO 2020apr5]
* SPI communication: ESP32 [BS 2020apr4], RPi [...]
* Pressure sensor readout (I2C): ESP32 [BS 2020apr4], RPi [...]
* BUZZ, AUX1: ESP32 [...], RPi [KO 2020apr4]
* external I2C: ESP32 [...], RPi [...]
* AUX2, AUX3: ESP32 [...], RPi [...]
* featherwing display: ESP32 [...], RPi [...]
* flow meter readout (I2C): ESP32 [...], RPi [...]
* proportional valve control (DAC): ESP32 [...]
* ESP32 Wifi communication: [...]
* RPi Wifi client: [...]
* RPi Wifi hotspot: [...]
* RPi touch screen: [...]
= System configurations permitted by hardware =
* "Italian model": [ MVM-VC + ESP32 ] ---- usb-serial ---- [ RPi3 + GUI ] (remote control) ---- wifi or cat5 or SD/USB flash for data collection
* "one ESP32": [ MVM-VC + ESP32 + small LCD + mini-GUI ] ---- wifi for data collection (no cat5, no SDflash)
* "one Pi": [ MVM-VC + RPi + GUI ] ---- wifi or cat5 or SD/USB flash for data collection
* "two Pi": [ MVM-VC + RPi/NanoPi ] ---- cat5 ---- [ RPi + GUI ] ---- wifi or SD/USB flash for data collection
* "three Pi": [ MVM-VC + RPi/NanoPi (control) ---???--- RPi + GUI (local control) ] ---???--- [ RPi + GUI ] (remote control)
* "2.5 Pi": [ MVM-VC + ESP32 --- usb-serial --- RPi + GUI (local control) ] ---- cat5 ---- [ RPi + GUI ] (remote control)
Notable hardware limitations:
* MVM-VC can be fully operated by ESP32 or RPi or NanoPi (not at the same time)
* ESP32: yes wifi, no cat5 ethernet, no usb, no sd flash (sd flash maybe via adafruit LCD "feather")
* NanoPi: maybe wifi, maybe HDMI/DP connector to drive monitor (NanoPi to be confirmed)
* RPi is the most capable: cat5/rj45 ethernet, wifi, HDMI/DP, USB, SD flash slot.
Abbreviations: MVM-VC - TRIUMF PCB, ESP32 - adafruit HUZZA32/WROOM32/ESP32 icrocontroller, RPi - RaspberryPi, NanoPi - NanoPi, GUI - medium size LCD running the MVM python GUI, mini-GUI - small size LCD running minimal GUI coded in ESP32.
= RPi3/4 connections =
!!! ALL GPIO PINS are 3.3V, NOT 5V safe !!!
[[RPI3]] - link to the RPi3 page
Note1: GPIO pin numbers on MVM-VC board schematics are the "WiringPi" pin numbers. They do not correspond to GPIO pin numbers on the RPi3/RPi4 schematics.
Note2: special purpose pins for SPI and I2C are correct.
RPi3/4 names are per J8 schematics:
* RPi4 :
* RPi3B+ :
* RPi3B :
RPi3/4 name - WiringPi name - J8 header pin - baseboard name - function
GPIO8  - GPIO10/CE0  - 24 - CPU SPI CS (SPI) - (output) SPI nCS
GPIO9  - GPIO13/MISO - 21 - CPU MISO (SPI) - (input) SPI MISO
GPIO10 - GPIO12/MOSI - 19 - CPU MOSI (SPI) - (output) SPI MOSI
GPIO11 - GPIO14/SCLK - 23 - CPU SCK (SPI) - (output) SPI CLK
GPIO22 - GPIO3  - 15 - CPU DRV STAT4 - (open drain 3.3V input)
GPIO5  - GPIO21 - 29 - CPU DRV STAT3 - (same)
GPIO6  - GPIO22 - 31 - CPU DRV STAT2 - (same)
GPIO13 - GPIO32 - 33 - CPU DRV STAT1 - (same)
GPIO26 - GPIO25 - 37 - CPU BUZZ - (maybe output) direct connection to BUZZ screw terminal
GPIO19 - GPIO24 - 35 - CPU AUX - (maybe output) direct connection to AUX screw terminal
GPIO27 - GPIO2  - 13 - CPU_LED1 - (output) drives open-drain 3.3V AUX2
GPIO17 - GPIO0  - 11 - CPU_LED2 - (output) same, AUX3
GPIO21 - GPIO29 - 40 - CPU DRV CH1 - (output) drives buffer
GPIO20 - GPIO28 - 38 - CPU DRV CH2 - (same)
GPIO16 - GPIO27 - 36 - CPU DRV CH3 - (same)
GPIO12 - GPIO26 - 32 - CPU DRV CH4 - (same)
GPIO4  - GPIO7  -  7 - CPU DRV RSTn - (output, pull up to 3.3V) drives nRESET of I2C and SPI chips
GPIO3  - GPIO9/SCL1 -  5 - CPU SCL - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V)
GPIO2  - GPIO8/SDA1 -  3 - CPU SDA - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V)
3.3VDC -  1 - "+3V_CPU2", N/C if JMP4 open
3.3VDC - 17 - "+3V_CPU2", see above
5.0VDC - 2 - +5V_USB
5.0VDC - 4 - +5V_USB
GND -  6 - GND
GND -  9 - GND
GND - 14 - GND
GND - 20 - GND
GND - 25 - GND
GND - 30 - GND
GND - 34 - GND
GND - 39 - GND
GPIO14 - GPIO15/TX -  8 - Pi3 CPU TX - N/C
GPIO15 - GPIO16/RX - 10 - Pi3 CPU RX - N/C
GPIO18 - GPIO1  - 12 - N/C
GPIO32 - GPIO4  - 16 - N/C
GPIO24 - GPIO5  - 18 - N/C
GPIO25 - GPIO6  - 22 - N/C
GPIO7  - GPIO11/CE1 - 26 - N/C
ID_SD  - SDA0  - 27 - N/C
ID_SC  - SCL0  - 28 - N/C
RPi PWM pins: GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO18, GPIO19
= NanoPi connections =
= ESP32 connections =
!!! ALL GPIO PINS are 3.3V, NOT 5V safe !!!
[[ESP32]] - link to the ESP32 page
* ESP32 power: per, last "not recommended" option: "Connect an external 5V power supply to the USB and GND pins"
* Pinouts Rev 2020apr5
ESP32 pin and name - WROOM32 - HUZZA32 - header - baseboard - function
"bottom row"
42 - GPIO21 - IO21 - 21      - JP1-1  - A1  - CPU SPI CS (SPI) - (output) SPI nCS - mux GPIO21 or VSPIHD
41 - U0TXD  - TXD0 - TX/17  - JP1-2  - A2  - FTHR CPU TX - N/C - mux GPIO1 or U0TXD
40 - U0RXD  - RXD0 - RX/16  - JP1-3  - A3  - FTHR CPU RX - N/C - mux GPIO3 or U0RXD
38 - GPIO19 - IO19 - MISO/19 - JP1-4  - A4  - CPU MISO (SPI) - (input) SPI MISO - mux GPIO19 or U0CTS or VSPIQ
35 - GPIO18 - IO18 - MOSI/18 - JP1-5  - A5  - CPU MOSI (SPI) - (output) SPI MOSI - mux GPIO18 or VSPICLK
34 - GPIO5  - IO5  - SCK/5  - JP1-6  - A6  - CPU SCK (SPI) - (output) SPI CLK - mux GPIO5 or VSPICS0
24 - GPIO4  - IO4/A2_0 - ADC2/A5/4    - JP1-7  - A7  - CPU DRV STAT4 - (open drain 3.3V input) - mux GPIO4 or RTC_GPIO10
5 - SENSOR_VP C16/270pF - IO36/SEN_VP/A1_0 - ADC1/A4/36  - JP1-8  - A8  - CPU DRV STAT3 - (same) - mux GPIO36 or RTC_GPIO0 (input only)
8 - SENSOR_VN C17/270pF - IO39/SEN_VN/A1_3 - ADC1/A3/39  - JP1-9  - A9  - CPU DRV STAT2 - (same) - mux GPIO39 or RTC_GPIO3 (input only)
10 - VDET_1 - I34/A1_6 - "input only" ADC1/A2/34  - JP1-10 - A10 - CPU DRV STAT1 - (same) - mux GPIO34 or RTC_GPIO4 (input only)
14 - GPIO25 - IO25/DAC1/A2_8 - ADC2/A1/DAC1/25 - JP1-11 - A11 - N/C - reserved for DAC output - mux GPIO25 or RTC_GPIO6 or DAC1
15 - GPIO26 - IO26/DAC2/A2_9 - ADC2/A0/DAC2/26 - JP1-12 - A12 - CPU BUZZ - (maybe output) direct connection to BUZZ screw terminal - mux GPIO26 or RTC_GPIO7 or DAC2
none - none - GND    - JP1-13 - A13 - GND
none - none - NC      - JP1-14 - A14 - N/C
none - none - "3V"    - JP1-15 - A15 - "+3V_CPU2"
none - none -  RST    - JP1-16 - A16 - CPU RESET - N/C
"top row"
none - none - BAT    - JP3-1  - B1  - N/C
none - none - EN    - JP3-2  - B2  - N/C
none - none - USB    - JP3-3  - B3  - "+5V_USB"
20 - MTCK  - IO13/A2_4 - "red LED" ADC2/13/A12 - JP3-4  - B4  - CPU_LED1 - (output) drives open-drain 3.3V AUX2 - mux GPIO13 or RTC_GPIO14
18 - MTDI  - IO12/A2_5 - "internal pulldown, output only" ADC2/12/A11 - JP3-5  - B5  - CPU_LED2 - (output) same, AUX3 - mux GPIO12 or RTC_GPIO15 - "boot fail if pulled high"
16 - GPIO27 - IO27/A2_7 - ADC2/27/A10 - JP3-6  - B6  - CPU DRV CH1 - (output) drives buffer - mux GPIO27 or RTC_GPIO17
13 - 32K_XN - IO33/A1_5/X32N - ADC1/33/A9  - JP3-7  - B7  - CPU DRV CH2 - (same) - mux GPIO33 or RTC_GPIO8
21 - MTDO  - IO15/A2_3 - ADC2/15/A8  - JP3-8  - B8  - CPU DRV CH3 - (same) - mux GPIO15 or RTC_GPIO13
12 - 32K_XP - IO32/A1_4/X32P - ADC1/32/A7  - JP3-9  - B9  - CPU DRV CH4 - (same) - mux GPIO32 or RTC_GPIO9
17 - MTMS  - IO14/A2_6 - ADC2/14/A6  - JP3-10 - B10 - CPU DRV RSTn - (output, pull up to 3.3V) drives nRESET of I2C and SPI chips, mux GPIO14 or RTC_GPIO16
39 - GPIO22 - IO22 - SCL/22 - JP3-11 - B11 - CPU SCL - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V) - mux GPIO22 or U0RTS
36 - GPIO23 - IO23 - SDA/23 - JP3-12 - B12 - CPU SDA - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V) - mux GPIO23
not on header, internally connected on HUZZA32:
11 - VDET_2 - I35/A1_7 - ADC1/35/A13 - N/C - VBAT voltmeter (through divider) - mux GPIO35 or ADC1_CH7 or RTC_GPIO5 (input only)
not clear what function:
23 - GPIO0  - IO0/A2_1 - GPIO0 - serial RTS - mux GPIO0 or RTC_GPIO11
22 - GPIO2  - IO2/A2_2 - GPIO2 - serial DTR (looks like mistake on schematic) - mux GPIO2 or RTC_GPIO12
25 - GPIO16  - IO16 - IO16 - not connected? - mux GPIO16 or U2RXD
27 - GPIO17  - IO17 - IO17 - not connected? - mux GPIO17 or U2TXD
9 - CHIP_PU - EN - RESET - push button - no mux
WROOM32 flash memory connection ("U3"):
28 - SD_DATA_2 - SD2 - n/c - mux SD_DATA2 or GPIO9
29 - SD_DATA_3 - SD3 - n/c - mux SD_DATA3 or GPIO10
30 - SD_CMD - CMD - n/c - mux SD_CMD or GPIO11
31 - SD_CLK - CLK - n/c - mux SD_CLK or GPIO6
32 - SD_DATA_0 - SD0 - n/c - mux SD_DATA0 or GPIO7
33 - SD_DATA_1 - SD1 - n/c - mux SD_DATA1 or GPIO8
Not connected to ESP32:
CPU AUX - (maybe output) direct connection to AUX screw terminal
- I2C controller can use any/all GPIO pins
- SPI controller can use any/all GPIO pins
= I2C addresses =
* 0x70 - I2C switch - U1 - TI TCA9548APWR [[ Datasheet]]
* 0x76 - pressure sensor - "TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties" 5525DSO-DB001DS [[ Datasheet]]
To probe the pressure sensor:
$ i2cset -y 1 0x70 0 0x80
$ i2cget -y 1 0x70
$ i2cdetect -y 1 ### detects: 0x70 (switch) and 0x76 (pressure sensor)
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- 76 --                       
= Pressure sensor =
Calibration constants (chip on KO's board)
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa0 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa1 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa2 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa3 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa4 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa5 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa6 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa7 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa8 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa9 w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xaa w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xab w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xac w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xad w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xae w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xae w
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xaf w
== Install ==
* as root:
** apt-get update
** apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-numpy python3-pyqtgraph python3-serial
** ### does not work, installs wrong pip: apt-get install python3-pip
** curl -o
** python3 --force-reinstall
** ### does not work, installs too-old version of yaml 3.13: apt-get install python3-yaml
** pip3 install PyYAML ### version 5.3.1
* ssh pi@rpi
* ### use TRIUMF gitlab branch ko_test instead ### git clone git clone
* git clone
* git checkout ko_test
== Run with python simulator ==
* cd gui
* ./ fakeESP32
== Run with ESP32 simulator ==
* load the ardiuno sketch mock/mock.ino into ESP32 (see instructions below)
* ./ ### default connection is /dv/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bps
= MVM-Firmware =
* ssh pi@...
* ### use TRIUMF gitlab branch ko_test instead ### git clone
* git clone
* git checkout ko_test
* cd arduino; ./ardiuno
* open .../MVMFirmware/ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3/ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3.ino
* install library SimpleCLI (1.0.9), aREST (2.8.0)
* build sketch (there is warnings about TwoWire::requestFrom())
* load sketch
* serial 115200
* output
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806ac
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
Scanning... I2C
No I2C devices found
SENSOR:          0
SENS_T1:          65535
OFF_T1:          65535
TCS:              65535
TCO:              65535
TREF:            65535
TEMPSENS:        65535
OFFSET:            0.00
SENSOR:          1
SENS_T1:          65535
OFF_T1:          65535
TCS:              65535
TCO:              65535
TREF:            65535
TEMPSENS:        65535
OFFSET:            0.00
SENSOR:          2
SENS_T1:          65535
OFF_T1:          65535
TCS:              65535
TCO:              65535
TREF:            65535
TEMPSENS:        65535
OFFSET:            0.00
SENSOR:          3
SENS_T1:          65535
OFF_T1:          65535
TCS:              65535
TCO:              65535
TREF:            65535
TEMPSENS:        65535
OFFSET:            0.00
SFM driver version 0.1.0
SFM sensor probing failed
Measure Flow Sensor initialized!
* send: "get all", reply: "valore=0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0,1"
= Dev-esp32 Firmware =
* git clone
* cd mvmcontroller
* git checkout dev-esp32
= End =

Latest revision as of 15:40, 15 April 2020


  • MVM-IT MVM with Italian baseboard
  • MVM-TR MVM with TRIUMF baseboard
  • ESP32 ESP32 information
  • RPI3 RPi3 information