- MVM-IT MVM with Italian baseboard
- MVM-TR MVM with TRIUMF baseboard
- ESP32 - ESP32 information: adafruit HUZZA32, ESP-WROOM32 modules, arduino and IDF cross-compilers
- Main repositories:
- - Firmware git repository
- - GUI repository
- - mvm-control script to read MVM data (Bryerton)
- - Baseboard files ([PDF file is here]
- - Beschi pressure controller development, branch unibs
- - TRIUMF gitlab repository
- - TRIUMF copy of mvm_gui (use branch ko_test)
- - TRIUMF copy of mvm firmware (use branch ko_test)
- - board schematics from ControlBoard git repo
General information
Per board.pdf dated "4/13/20"
- external power supply:
- VLOGIC 24 VDC (up to 40VDC, LM2596,
- VPOWER ?? VDC (up to 40VDC, LT8609,
- Adafruit HUZZA32 module (ESP-WROOM32 ESP32 microcontroller ESP32)
- 6 pressure sensors (5525DSO-DB001DS)
- 2 GPIO pins (J5, CH3, CH4, pull up to 3.3V)
- 2 push button inputs (J6, J7 BTN_1, BTN_2, pull up to 3.3V)
- 2 LED drivers (J8, J9 LED, BUZ, 5V)
- 2 "modulation control" (J10, J11)
- 2 "24V solid state relay" (J12, J13, OMRON_G3VM-61FR1)
- 2 I2C 3.3V (J14, J15)
- 2 I2C 5V (J16, J17)
- 1 ESP32 serial console (J18, 3.3V, RX, TX)
- 1 O2 sensor input (J19, OXY_IN)
- 1 SPI 3.3V (J20A)
System configurations
- "Italian model": [ MVM-IT + ESP32 ] ---- usb-serial ---- [ RPi + GUI ] (remote control) ---- wifi or cat5 or SD/USB flash for data collection
- "2.5 Pi": [ MVM-IT + ESP32 --- usb-serial --- RPi + GUI (local control) ] ---- cat5 ---- [ RPi + GUI ] (remote control)
Notable hardware limitations:
- ESP32: yes wifi, no cat5 ethernet, no usb, no sd flash (sd flash maybe via adafruit LCD "feather")
- RPi: cat5/rj45 ethernet, wifi, HDMI/DP, USB, SD flash slot.
Abbreviations: MVM-IT - Italian PCB, ESP32 - adafruit HUZZA32/WROOM32/ESP32 icrocontroller, RPi - RaspberryPi, GUI - medium size LCD running the MVM python GUI
ESP32 connections
!!! ALL GPIO PINS are 3.3V, NOT 5V safe !!!
ESP32 - link to the ESP32 page
- ESP32 power: per, last "not recommended" option: "Connect an external 5V power supply to the USB and GND pins"
ESP32 pin and name - WROOM32 - HUZZA32 - header - schematic name - function "JP1 16 pin" 42 - GPIO21 - IO21 - 21 - JP1-1 - CS - (output) SPI nCS - mux GPIO21 or VSPIHD 41 - U0TXD - TXD0 - TX/17 - JP1-2 - TX - ESP32 console - mux GPIO1 or U0TXD 40 - U0RXD - RXD0 - RX/16 - JP1-3 - RX - ESP32 console - mux GPIO3 or U0RXD 38 - GPIO19 - IO19 - MISO/19 - JP1-4 - MISO - (input) SPI MISO - mux GPIO19 or U0CTS or VSPIQ 35 - GPIO18 - IO18 - MOSI/18 - JP1-5 - MOSI - (output) SPI MOSI - mux GPIO18 or VSPICLK 34 - GPIO5 - IO5 - SCK/5 - JP1-6 - SCK - (output) SPI CLK - mux GPIO5 or VSPICS0 24 - GPIO4 - IO4/A2_0 - ADC2/A5/4 - JP1-7 - N/C - mux GPIO4 or RTC_GPIO10 5 - SENSOR_VP C16/270pF - IO36/SEN_VP/A1_0 - ADC1/A4/36 - JP1-8 - OXY_IN - (input only) 8 - SENSOR_VN C17/270pF - IO39/SEN_VN/A1_3 - ADC1/A3/39 - JP1-9 - BTN_2 - mux GPIO39 or RTC_GPIO3 (input only) 10 - VDET_1 - I34/A1_6 - ADC1/A2/34 - JP1-10 - BTN_1 - mux GPIO34 or RTC_GPIO4 (input only) 14 - GPIO25 - IO25/DAC1/A2_8 - ADC2/A1/DAC1/25 - JP1-11 - DAC1 - mux GPIO25 or RTC_GPIO6 or DAC1 15 - GPIO26 - IO26/DAC2/A2_9 - ADC2/A0/DAC2/26 - JP1-12 - DAC2 - mux GPIO26 or RTC_GPIO7 or DAC2 none - none - GND - JP1-13 - AGND - GND none - none - NC - JP1-14 - N/C none - none - "3V" - JP1-15 - "3V" none - none - RST - JP1-16 - "RST" "JP2 12 pin" none - none - BAT - JP3-1 - N/C none - none - EN - JP3-2 - N/C none - none - USB - JP3-3 - "USB" - 5V USB input power 20 - MTCK - IO13/A2_4 - "red LED" ADC2/13/A12 - JP3-4 - LED - (output) mux GPIO13 or RTC_GPIO14 18 - MTDI - IO12/A2_5 - "internal pulldown, output only" ADC2/12/A11 - JP3-5 - BUZ - (output) mux GPIO12 or RTC_GPIO15 - "boot fail if pulled high" 16 - GPIO27 - IO27/A2_7 - ADC2/27/A10 - JP3-6 - CH4 - (output) mux GPIO27 or RTC_GPIO17 13 - 32K_XN - IO33/A1_5/X32N - ADC1/33/A9 - JP3-7 - CH3 - (output) mux GPIO33 or RTC_GPIO8 21 - MTDO - IO15/A2_3 - ADC2/15/A8 - JP3-8 - CH2 - (output) mux GPIO15 or RTC_GPIO13 12 - 32K_XP - IO32/A1_4/X32P - ADC1/32/A7 - JP3-9 - CH1 - (output) mux GPIO32 or RTC_GPIO9 17 - MTMS - IO14/A2_6 - ADC2/14/A6 - JP3-10 - "BATTERY" - pull up to 3.3V, mux GPIO14 or RTC_GPIO16 (note: ADC2 cannot be used if Wifi active) 39 - GPIO22 - IO22 - SCL/22 - JP3-11 - "SCL" - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V) - mux GPIO22 or U0RTS 36 - GPIO23 - IO23 - SDA/23 - JP3-12 - "SDA" - (I2C, pull up to 3.3V) - mux GPIO23 not on header, internally connected on HUZZA32: 11 - VDET_2 - I35/A1_7 - ADC1/35/A13 - N/C - VBAT voltmeter (through divider) - mux GPIO35 or ADC1_CH7 or RTC_GPIO5 (input only) not clear what function: 23 - GPIO0 - IO0/A2_1 - GPIO0 - serial RTS - mux GPIO0 or RTC_GPIO11 22 - GPIO2 - IO2/A2_2 - GPIO2 - serial DTR (looks like mistake on schematic) - mux GPIO2 or RTC_GPIO12 25 - GPIO16 - IO16 - IO16 - not connected? - mux GPIO16 or U2RXD 27 - GPIO17 - IO17 - IO17 - not connected? - mux GPIO17 or U2TXD 9 - CHIP_PU - EN - RESET - push button - no mux WROOM32 flash memory connection ("U3"): 28 - SD_DATA_2 - SD2 - n/c - mux SD_DATA2 or GPIO9 29 - SD_DATA_3 - SD3 - n/c - mux SD_DATA3 or GPIO10 30 - SD_CMD - CMD - n/c - mux SD_CMD or GPIO11 31 - SD_CLK - CLK - n/c - mux SD_CLK or GPIO6 32 - SD_DATA_0 - SD0 - n/c - mux SD_DATA0 or GPIO7 33 - SD_DATA_1 - SD1 - n/c - mux SD_DATA1 or GPIO8 Not connected to ESP32: CPU AUX - (maybe output) direct connection to AUX screw terminal Note: - I2C controller can use any/all GPIO pins - SPI controller can use any/all GPIO pins
I2C bus configuration
- ESP32 drives SCL_UC/SDA_UC, connected are:
- U9 "nano dac", part unknown, maybe not installed
- I2C mux TCA9548APWR (A0,A1,A2 tied to GND), output ports:
- 0 - 3V I2C J14
- 1 - 3V I2C J15
- 2 - 5V I2C J16
- 3 - 5V I2C J17
- 4 - PS1 (CSB tied to 3.3V), PS2 (CSB tied to GND)
- 5 - PS3, PS4 (same CSB)
- 6 - PS5, PS6 (same CSB) (maybe absent)
- 7 - N/C
I2C bus addresses
* 0x70 - I2C switch - U1 - TI TCA9548APWR [[ Datasheet]] * 0x76 - pressure sensor - i2c switch port 7 mask 0x80 - "TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties" 5525DSO-DB001DS [[ Datasheet]] * 0x80 - flow meter - i2c switch port 0 mask 0x01 - SFM3000 - To probe the pressure sensor: <pre> $ i2cset -y 1 0x70 0 0x80 $ i2cget -y 1 0x70 0x80 $ i2cdetect -y 1 ### detects: 0x70 (switch) and 0x76 (pressure sensor) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- 76 --
Pressure sensor
Calibration constants (chip on KO's board):
read by i2cget (addr 0xa0 through 0xae)
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cget -y 1 0x76 0xa0 w 0x0100
read by sensors.exe (branch dev-linux)
pressure sensor PROM 0x00: 0x0001 pressure sensor PROM 0x01: 0x392b pressure sensor PROM 0x02: 0x1e52 pressure sensor PROM 0x03: 0x0e25 pressure sensor PROM 0x04: 0x071a pressure sensor PROM 0x05: 0x943d pressure sensor PROM 0x06: 0x1f6b pressure sensor PROM 0x07: 0x000c mvm_hal_init: PS1 CRC4 OK!
- read ADC, no conversion
root@raspberrypi:~/i2c-tools-4.1/tools# ./i2cget3 -y 1 0x76 0 write returned 1 read returned 4, value 0x3f000000
- read ADC, pressure
i2cset -y 1 0x76 0x48 root@raspberrypi:~/i2c-tools-4.1/tools# ./i2cget3 -y 1 0x76 0 write returned 1 read returned 4, value 0x3f900a44
- read ADC, temperature
i2cset -y 1 0x76 0x58 root@raspberrypi:~/i2c-tools-4.1/tools# ./i2cget3 -y 1 0x76 0 write returned 1 read returned 4, value 0x3f9c424d
Flow sensor
Proportional Valve ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3 firmware
- From Bryerton:
The Italian's use the PWM on DAC1 / A0 / IO25 pin. The API is the ledc API used to control an LED via PWM
- see ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3.ino
- function setup() attach pin "DAC1" to ledc
ledcSetup(0, 10000, 12); // KO: chan 0, freq in kHz, how many bits of PWM 12 bits = range 0..4095 ledcAttachPin(DAC1, 0); // KO: IO25/A0/DAC1 ledcWrite(0, 0);
- function PressureControlLoop_PRESSIN() see ledcWrite()
if (Pset == 0) { ledcWrite(0, 0); } else { pid_outb = ...; // KO: looks like a digital PID controller if (pid_outb<0) pid_outb=0; // KO: low limit pid_outb = pid_outb + 500; // KO: what is this?!? if (pid_outb>4090) pid_outb=4090; // KO: high limit ledcWrite(0, pid_outb); // KO: value 500..4090 }
- also see valve_control() commented absent code for PWM.
- as root:
- apt-get update
- apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-numpy python3-pyqtgraph python3-serial
- ### does not work, installs wrong pip: apt-get install python3-pip
- curl -o
- python3 --force-reinstall
- ### does not work, installs too-old version of yaml 3.13: apt-get install python3-yaml
- pip3 install PyYAML ### version 5.3.1
- ssh pi@rpi
- git clone
- #git clone
- #git checkout ko_test
Run with python simulator
- cd gui
- ./ fakeESP32
Run with ESP32 simulator
- load the ardiuno sketch mock/mock.ino into ESP32 (see instructions below)
- ./ ### default connection is /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bps, change it in default_settings.yaml
- install arduino:
Build and Flash
- ssh pi@...
- ### use TRIUMF gitlab branch ko_test instead ### git clone
- git clone
- git checkout ko_test
- cd arduino; ./ardiuno
- open .../MVMFirmware/ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3/ArduinoCorePP_PWM_hw_v3.ino
- install library SimpleCLI (1.0.9), aREST (2.8.0)
- build sketch (there is warnings about TwoWire::requestFrom())
- load sketch
Connect and Use manually
- use Ardiuno tools -> serial console, set: serial 115200
- or use minicom, set /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 bps, no flow control
- output on a base esp32 (no baseboard, no hardware, no sensors, etc)
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0018,len:4 load:0x3fff001c,len:1044 load:0x40078000,len:8896 load:0x40080400,len:5816 entry 0x400806ac SCAN I2C BUS: 0 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 1 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 2 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 3 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 4 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 5 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 6 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SCAN I2C BUS: 7 Scanning... I2C No I2C devices found SENSOR: 0 SENS_T1: 65535 OFF_T1: 65535 TCS: 65535 TCO: 65535 TREF: 65535 TEMPSENS: 65535 OFFSET: 0.00 SENSOR: 1 SENS_T1: 65535 OFF_T1: 65535 TCS: 65535 TCO: 65535 TREF: 65535 TEMPSENS: 65535 OFFSET: 0.00 SENSOR: 2 SENS_T1: 65535 OFF_T1: 65535 TCS: 65535 TCO: 65535 TREF: 65535 TEMPSENS: 65535 OFFSET: 0.00 SENSOR: 3 SENS_T1: 65535 OFF_T1: 65535 TCS: 65535 TCO: 65535 TREF: 65535 TEMPSENS: 65535 OFFSET: 0.00 SFM driver version 0.1.0 SFM sensor probing failed ... Measure Flow Sensor initialized!
- send: "get all", reply: "valore=0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0,1"
Connect and read data using mvm-control
Follow the README file at:
(as of commit Sun Apr 19 13:44:21 2020 +0200 ed0e7758193d0bdcff982ad073c7e35eefbb2273)
"set" commands
- "run"
- "mode"
- "rate"
- "ratio"
- "assist_ptrigger"
- "assist_flow_min"
- "ptarget"
- "pressure_support"
- "peep"
- "pid_p"
- "pid_i"
- "pid_d"
- "pid_p2"
- "pid_i2"
- "pid_d2"
- "pause_inhale"
- "pause_lg"
- "pause_lg_time"
- "pause_lg_p"
- "pause_exhale"
- "pid_limit"
- "alarm_snooze"
- "alarm"
- "watchdog_reset"
- "console"
- "timestamp"
- "wdenable"
- "backup_enable"
- "backup_min_rate"
- "stats_clear"
- "pcv_trigger_enable" - hw_v4
- "pcv_trigger" - hw_v4
"get" commands
- "pinput" - hw_v4
- "pressure"
- "flow"
- "o2"
- "bpm"
- "backup"
- "tidal"
- "peep"
- "temperature"
- "power_mode"
- "battery"
- "version"
- "alarm"
- "warning"
- "run"
- "mode"
- "rate"
- "ratio"
- "assist_ptrigger"
- "assist_flow_min"
- "ptarget"
- "pressure_support"
- "backup_enable"
- "backup_min_rate"
- "all"
- "calib"
- "calibv"
- "stats"
- "pause_lg"
- "pause_lg_time"
- "pause_lg_p"
- "ads" - hw_v4
- "pcv_trigger_enable" - hw_v4
- "pcv_trigger" - hw_v4
get all
- commit Sun Apr 19 13:44:21 2020 +0200
if (strPatam == "all") { Serial.println("valore=" + String(pressure[1].last_pressure) + "," + String(tidal_volume_c.FLUX) + "," + String(last_O2) + "," + String(last_bpm) + "," + String(tidal_volume_c.TidalVolume * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(last_peep) + "," + String(temperature) + "," + String(batteryPowered ? 1 : 0) + "," + String(currentBatteryCharge) + "," + String(currentP_Peak) + "," + String(currentTvIsnp * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(currentTvEsp * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(currentVM)); }
if (strPatam == "all") { Serial.println("valore=" + String(pressure[1].last_pressure) + "," + String(tidal_volume_c.FLUX) + "," + String(last_O2) + "," + String(last_bpm) + "," + String(tidal_volume_c.TidalVolume * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(last_peep) + "," + String(temperature) + "," + String(batteryPowered ? 1 : 0) + "," + String(currentBatteryCharge) + "," + String(currentP_Peak) + "," + String(currentTvIsnp * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(currentTvEsp * VOL_COMP) + "," + String(currentTvIsnp * VOL_COMP * last_bpm/1000.0)); }
get alarm
Display Unit
SD image MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.7z (14-Apr-2020)
-rw-r--r--@ 1 8ss staff 5161636360 Apr 16 09:52 MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.7z -rwxr-xr-x 1 8ss staff 15931539456 Apr 14 06:02 MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.img 8s-macbook-pro:NOBACKUP 8ss$ shasum -a 256 MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.* 91987742cbf2c810afa74a47455a21de5b75b85c4fa134c10f48a30afae64194 MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.7z bc5ed0efa279b027da4965132c91f494363ea98a297a649a062f346760d5de2e MvM_raspPi4_16gb_new.img
On power up:
- boots Raspbian 10 Buster
- starts X11 (in the alt-shift-f7 console)
- starts python3 gui (lightdm -> lxsession -> /home/pi/ -> /home/pi/work/MVMSoftware/gui/gui/
- if no ESP32 connected, displays an "abort, retry, ignore" dialog
- if ESP32 connected, displays nothing (hung? wrong ESP32 firmware?)
- starts TeamViewer (from systemd)
- user pi is logged in the alt-shift-f1 console (no password) (via systemctl autologin agetty?)
- lightdm: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf has this "autologin-user=pi"
- lxsession: /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart has this: "@/home/pi/"
- /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service has this: "ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin pi --noclear %I $TERM"
Partitions mounted:
- / (mmcblk p7)
- /boot (mmcblk p6)
Running processes:
- ModemManager (this is a mistake, it will fight over access to /dev/USB0)
- TeamViewer (is this secure, what's the access password?)
- no sshd
- no NetworkManager
- root, password blank (login disabled)
- pi, password raspberry (default password)
- eth0 RJ45 - DHCP is enabled, gets an IP address
- wlan0 (radio is on, per rfkill) - configured to connect to 3 wifi networks (2 of them maybe disabled)
- bluetooth (radio is on, per rfkill) - looks to be on, not clear if paired with anything
SD Partition table:
Disk /dev/sda: 29.3 GiB, 31486640128 bytes, 61497344 sectors Disk model: STORAGE DEVICE Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x000d0750 Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sda1 8192 5015625 5007434 2.4G c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sda2 5015626 31116287 26100662 12.5G 5 Extended /dev/sda5 5021696 5087229 65534 32M 83 Linux /dev/sda6 5087232 5611517 524286 256M c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sda7 5611520 31116287 25504768 12.2G 83 Linux root@raspberrypi:/mnt/tmp/home/pi#
SD partition contents:
- sda1: looks like RPi recovery partition (what is this?)
- sda2: extended partition (why?)
- sda5: (what is this?)
- sda6: boot partition, cmdline.txt has "console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles"
- sda7: "/" including /home/pi.