BNMR: Scripts
A number of scripts are used in the DAQ for the bnmr and bnqr. The most important of these will be described in this page.
start-all is an alias to the shell script
- start-daq-tasks-bnmr at path /home/bnmr/online/bnmr/bin/ (for bnmr ) or
- start-daq-tasks-bnqr at path /home/bnqr/online/bnqr/bin/ (for bnqr ).
This script is run to start all the MIDAS clients for the bnmr or bnqr experiments. It can also be run at any time to start missing clients. To clean up and restart the experiment, run #kill-all followed by start-all.
start-all starts the standard MIDAS utilities mserver, mlogger and mhttpd as daemons. It also starts the MIDAS clients specific to the bnmr and bnqr experiments, i.e. fe_epics, rf_config, mdarc, mheader and autorun on the linux host machine (isdaq01). fe_epics and rf_config are started as daemons, mdarc and mheader are started in xterms that can be displayed if desired (usually for troubleshooting). Finally it starts the frontend client febnmr or febnqr on the VMIC host. The frontend is run in an xterm that is displayed be default. It also enabled the MIDAS Alarm system.
kill-all is an alias to the script kill-all at /home/bnmr/online/bnmr/bin/ (for bnmr) or /home/bnqr/online/bnqr/bin/ (for bnqr). It shuts down all the MIDAS utilities and clients started by #start-all, and shuts down the MIDAS alarm system. It cleans up the ODB and deletes any empty midas log files it finds.