BNMR: Adding a new mode

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Adding a new experimental (PPG) mode takes several steps. First, answer these questions:

  • Can an existing ppg script be used?
    • No -> new mode and new ppg script
    • Yes -> can you just add parameter(s) to an existing mode? -> Yes -> no new mode needed
    • No -> make a new dummy mode, where a different parameter set is displayed, but an existing PPG script can be used

Many of the existing modes are actually "dummy modes", as they redirect to an actual PPG mode for which a PPG script exists.

  • Decide whether the new mode (or new dummy mode) is Type 1, Type2 or combination

New modes with new ppg scripts must be added to rf_config.c and type1_compute.c or type2_compute.c rf_config.c has to be able to deal with new dummy modes. This include a direction to the actual PPG mode, e.g. 1c is directed to 1f.

Instructions for making a new ppg script haven't yet been written. Basically, start with an existing PPG script and modify it. Be sure to make a timing diagram.

mode parameters

The parameters for each mode are stored in ODB :

[local:bnqr:Stopped]/>ls "/equipment/FIFO_acq/mode parameters/"
Mode 10                         
Mode 1a                         
Mode 1b                         
Mode 1c                         
Mode 1f                         
Mode 1g                         
Mode 1j                         
Mode 1n                         
Mode 20                         
Mode 2a                         
Mode 2b                         
Mode 2c                         
Mode 2d                         
Mode 2e                         
Mode 2f         

The parameters for e.g. mode 20 (SLR) are shown below :

[local:bnqr:Stopped]/>ls "/equipment/FIFO_acq/mode parameters/mode 20"
MCS enable gate (ms)            10
Number of Prebeam dwelltimes    20
Number of Beam On dwelltimes    100
Number of Beam Off dwelltimes   1200
RFon Delay (dwelltimes)         0
RFon Duration (dwelltimes)      0
Flip helicity                   y
Helicity sleep time (ms)        3000

These parameters are presented to the user by the custom parameter page. They store the parameter values for the last run of that mode. When a run is started, the parameters from this area are copied to the actual input parameters under /Equipment/Fifo_acq/Input or /Equipment/Fifo_acq/hardware. The copy is done by rf_config, using code in update_run_parameters.c . The psm parameters are set directly in the psm area (no copy is retained elsewhere).

To make a new mode, copy the closest mode, e.g.

[local:bnqr:Stopped]/>cd "/equipment/FIFO_acq/mode parameters/"
[local:bnqr:Stopped]/mode parameters> cp "Mode 20" "Mode 2g"

where the new mode is to be called "2g". Then modify or add more parameters in directory "Mode 2g".

/script and /customscript

Each mode button (i.e. button to change mode) is a script button (on the MIDAS status page) and a customscript button (on the custom status page). The script/customscript button causes the perlscript to run and change the mode. The customscript buttons are actually links to the script buttons. The script button is named for the mode (e.g. SLR, 1c). The script button "SLR" is defined in ODB as follows:

cmd                             /home/bnqr/vmic_online/perl/
include path                    /home/bnqr/vmic_online/perl
experiment name -> /experiment/name
select mode                     20
mode file tag                   defaults

The name of the script to run is given in the key cmd, and the parameters sent to the script are listed in the other keys. Although this script key is names "SLR", the select mode is set to "20", which is the name of the mode that rf_config uses. The key mode file tag indicates whether an optional mode file is to be loaded into ODB on changing to this mode. If left blank, no file is loaded. The example shows the value "defaults", which causes to load the file ../online/modefiles/20_defaults.odb into the ODB on changing mode. To change this file for the new mode, follow instructions in #mode files.

To add a new mode, copy an existing mode and modify e.g.

[local:bnqr:Stopped]/Script>copy SLR 2g 
[local:bnqr:Stopped]/Script>copy SLR 2g 
[local:bnqr:Stopped]/Script>cd 2g
[local:bnqr:Stopped]2g>set "select mode" 2g

If loading defaults, create a defaults file ../online/modefiles/2g_defaults.odb by copying and modifying 20_defaults.odb . Otherwise, set "mode file tag" blank (no mode file loaded).

All a link to the new mode in the ODB /customscript directory, i.e.

[local:bnqr:Stopped]2g>cd /customscript
[local:bnqr:Stopped]/CustomScript>ln /script/2g 2g
[local:bnqr:Stopped]/CustomScript>move 2g 15

The new link is moved into the desired position with the Template:Odbedit cmd. The link in /customscript is necessary to have the script button appear on the custom status page.


mode files

When the experimental mode is changed on the custom page, e.g. SLR to 1f, the perlscript runs. It does various things, including possibly loading a mode file. This is a file loaded into the ODB to set certain parameters to default values on changing mode. The mode files can be found in There is a file AAA_README (reproduced below) that explains how to change these files.


[ All instructions refer to experiment bnmr. For bnqr, substitute bnqr for bnmr.]

This directory contains files of default settings of ODB parameters which are to be 
automatically loaded when the experimental mode (i.e. PPG Mode) is changed. 

For example, when mode "freq" is selected on the main status page of the browser, 
the file 1f_defaults.odb is to be loaded.

***  After editing these files, IT IS ESSENTIAL to run on them ***
***  to make sure that the key names exist in the odb.                       *** 

  The odbedit "load" command used to load the files will automatically create
  any keys that do not exist. This will almost certainly cause the DAQ system
  to fail with a Recordsize error at the start of the next run.

  If a spurious key is created by mistake, it must be deleted from the ODB 
  (using e.g. odbedit rm command ) before the run can start.

=   To check a file with, the command is  =
=                                                       =
=   cd ~bnmr/$ONLINE/modefiles                          =
=  <filename>                           =
=                                                       =
=    e.g.  1f_defaults.odb                =
This perlscript ( invokes another perlscript, called
to check the file.

To control which file of defaults gets loaded (or none):
Provision has been included to load one of the following on changing mode:
   A. no default file
   B. a file of defaults
   C. a file of the user's choosing
Only an expert user should mess with this!

In the odb, in directory /scripts  there is a sub-directory for every supported mode.
Using odbedit in an xterm,

$ odbedit 
[local:bnmr:S]/>ls /Script/freq
cmd                             /home/bnmr/online/perl/
include path                    /home/bnmr/online/perl
experiment name                 /experiment/name
select mode                     1f
mode file tag                   defaults

The keys "select mode" and  "mode file tag" are combined to specify which file is to
be loaded when changing mode.  In this case, the file will be

To specify no file is to be loaded,  "mode file tag" is set to "none".
To specify some other file, say 1f_mytest.odb,  "mode file tag" must be set to "mytest"

To change or add/remove default settings to the file
The files are in ASCII, in the format used by the odbedit "save" command, e.g. for

ALL profiles enabled = BOOL : n
one_f profile enabled = BOOL : y
three_f profile enabled = BOOL : n
five_f profile enabled = BOOL : n
fREF profile enabled = BOOL : n
quadrature modulation mode = BOOL : y
scale factor (def 181 max 255) = INT : 181

The first line is the DIRECTORY
The following lines are those KEYS in that directory that need default values.
Only those keys that require default values are specified. Any others will not be 
changed when the file is loaded.

To add keys in a second directory, add a line with the new directory, followed by
line(s) containing the key(s).
Edit the file, e.g.
$ cd ~bnmr/$ONLINE/modefiles
$ emacs 1f_defaults.odb

Changing/removing default settings is easy. Just edit the value, or delete the whole key.

Adding a new key or directory requires care. The safest way is to find the new 
key and/or directory in a recent odb saved file. You can create your own by 
using the odbedit command "save", in the directory of the key you wish to add.

$ odbedit
$ cd "/equipment/fifo_acq/Frontend/hardware"
$ save temp.odb

Copy the keys you need from the file "temp.odb" into the default file.

Otherwise you can find all the information saved in the file ~bnmr/$ONLINE/bnmr/bnmr.odb, 
which is a saved version of the whole odb. 

Copy the new key and/or directory to the defaults file you are editing EXACTLY as it appears 
in the saved odb file.  Change the value as desired.
Save the file, and ALWAYS RUN (see above)  on it to check the 
validity of the keys.