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Information on IRIS DAQ


  • Experimental setup and operation - Rituparna Kanungo []
  • DAQ hardware and software - TRIUMF-DAQ group / Pierre-A. Amaudruz []
  • mhall
  • malacorta

IRIS Linux DAQ cluster

IRIS is composed of 5 machines

  • IRIS00 - Main NFS server and DAQ (experimental floor)
  • IRIS01 - Auxiliary analysis computers (ISAC-II north counting room)
  • IRIS02 - Auxiliary analysis computers (ISAC-II north counting room)
  • lxiris01 - VME processor for ADCs Mesytec MADC32s (experimental floor)
  • lxiris02 - VME processor for TDCs CAEN V1190s (experimental floor)

and 2 VME crates:

  • irisvme1
  • irisvme2

Home directories: on iris00 2x240GB SSD (ZFS mirror) /home1

Data storage: on iris00 2x20TB HDD (ZFS mirror) /zdata/iris, NFS mounted as /iris/data0/iris

DAQ instructions


  • apt install dcap dcap-dev

How to rebuild IRIS DAQ

cd $HOME/packages
git clone
cd epics-base
git checkout R7.0.8
make -j
ls -l bin/linux-x86_64/
  • build MIDAS with EPICS:
    • set MIDASSYS to $HOME/packages/midas
    • set EPICSSYS to $HOME/packages/epics-base
    • cd $MIDASSYS
    • make cmake
    • check that build/examples/eventbuilder/mevb and build/examples/epics/fe_epics were built
  • build ROOTANA
    • make sure ROOTSYS is set and points to a working version of ROOT
    • cd $HOME/packages/rootana
    • make clean; make
    • there should be no errors
  • build iris-daqtools
    • cd $HOME/packages/iris-daqtools
    • rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make
    • there should be no errors
  • build VME frontends and event builder
    • cd online/src
    • make
    • feairis.exe, fetiris.exe and eb_iris.exe should be built
    • event builder should be run: eb_iris.exe -b BUF
  • build analyzer
    • cd $HOME/current/anaIris
    • make
    • there should be no errors, bin/anaIris should be built.