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TRB3 is an FPGA-TDC board made and sold by GSI. It can achieve ~20ps timing resolution


Main TRB documentation

Computer Setup Instructions

Currently have gotten this working on an Opensuse machine.

We setup TRB3 on a private network. So need machine with second ethernet port.

Full instructions to be written

Start-up Instructions

These are the basic instructions to initialize and take data from TRB3, using the GSI DAQ tools.

1) Start the trb3 program and initialize the TRB3

cd /home/tbr3_user/trbsoft/daqtools/users/triumf_trb171

2) Start webbrowser: In new terminal, do

cd /home/tbr3_user/trbsoft/daqtools/web/
./cts_gui --noopenxterm --port=1234 --endpoint=0xc001

open webbrowser and go to

3) Start event builder: In new terminal, do

cd trbsoft/daqtools/users/triumf_trb171/
 dabc_exe TdcEventBuilder.xml

4) Enable the readout of the channels we want.

i) Go to webpage

ii) Under 'board' set it to 0100.

iii) Then click 'enable' radio button

iv) Then, under 0100 set all the channel groups to on. Should then start seeing triggers for different channels (if we have signals going into channels).

v) Finally, disable the trigger window on the same page. On the section c801 click off and make sure it says 'disabled'. If trigger window is disabled then all triggers are accepted...

5) Setup the analyzer

source ~/trbsoft/trb3/trb3login 

(This needs to be run in any terminal where you want to run the go4analysis

6) Create the set of calibration constants for the TDC

cd /home/tbr3_user/trbsoft/daqtools/users/triumf_trb171
rm cal*.cal  (remove old calibration files)
export CALTRIG=0; export CALMODE=-1;
go4analysis -number 100000 -user /data/trb3_data/pulser17342111720.hld

(need to change this to use the hld file that you want to use)

The resulting calibration files are called something like

7) Now analyze more events, using those calibration files

rm *root
export CALTRIG=0; export CALMODE=0;
go4analysis -number 1000000 -user /data/trb3_data/pulser17342111720.hld

now open the resulting root file

root -l Go4AutoSave.root

and use TBrowser() to look at the difference histogram

Useful TRB3 commands

Get IDs for TRB3 FPGAs (1 central FPGA and 4 FPGAs for TDCs):

trb3_user@linux-klyr:~/lindner> trbcmd i 0xffff
0xc001  0xe1000006e937ac28  0x05
0x0100  0x9c000006e937a028  0x00
0x0101  0x91000006e95e8328  0x01
0x0102  0x75000006e9383128  0x02
0x0103  0xe6000006e96e5228  0x03

"Ping of death" somehow ping board to reboot it:

ping  -pc001 trb171