Custom plots with mplot: Difference between revisions

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= Introduciton =
= Introduction =

Custom pages may contain custom plots, sich as scatter plots, histograms and color plots. This can be achieved by including the <code>mplot.js</code> library and creating a <code>&lt;div class="mplot"&gt;</code> element. Following example shows the code for a simple page for a scatter plot:
Custom pages may contain custom plots, sich as scatter plots, histograms and color plots. This can be achieved by including the <code>mplot.js</code> library and creating a <code>&lt;div class="mplot"&gt;</code> element. Following example shows the code for a simple page for a scatter plot:
Line 44: Line 44:
|+ Available parameters for "mplot" div
|+ Available parameters for "mplot" div
! Parameter !! Meaning
! Parameter !! Applies to !! Meaning
| data-odb-path || Path into the ODB where the data for the plot is stored
| data-odb-path || All plot types || Path into the ODB where the data for the plot is stored
| data-x || X data for the first graph
| data-x || scatter, histogram || ODB path to X data for the first graph (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-y || Y data for the first graph
| data-y || scatter || ODB path to Y data for the first graph (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-x1 || X data for the first graph if several graphs are used
| data-x1 || scatter, histogram || ODB path to X data for the first graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-y1 || Y data for the first graph if several graphs are used
| data-y1 || scatter || ODB path to Y data for the first graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-x<n> || X data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used
| data-x<n> || scatter, histogram || ODB path to X data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-y<n> || Y data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used
| data-y<n> || scatter || ODB path to Y data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-h || Y data for a histogram
| data-h || histogram || ODB path to Y data for a histogram (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-xy || Data for a color map. The array must have the dimension n*m with n, m the dimensions in x and y of the color map
| data-h<n> || histogram || ODB path to Y data for the <n>-th histogram if several histograms are used (relative to data-odb-path)
| data-title || Title of the graph shown on top
| data-label<n> || scatter, histogram || Label for <n>-th graph or histogram if several are used
| data-x-text || Label shown below the X-axis
| data-alpha<n> || scatter, histogram || Transparency (alpha) for graph or histogram if several are used. 0 is completely transparent and 1 is opaque.
| data-y-text || Label shown left of the Y-axis
| data-nx || colormap || Number of X bins for a color map.
| data-x-min || Minimum of the X-axis
| data-ny || colormap || Number of Y bins for a color map.
| data-z || colormap || ODB path to data for a color map (relative to data-odb-path). If data-nx is 3, and data-ny is 4, then data-z must be 12 elements long (one entry for each x,y co-ordinate). Ordering is "loop through all X indices for the lowest Y index before moving to next Y index", e.g. (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (1,0), (1,1) .... (3,0), (3,1), (3,2).
| data-x-max || Maximum of the X-axis
| data-title || All plot types || Title of the graph shown on top
| data-y-min || Minimum of the Y-axis
| data-x-text || All plot types || Label shown below the X-axis
| data-y-max || Maximum of the Y-axis
| data-y-text || All plot types || Label shown left of the Y-axis
| data-x-min || Minimum of the Z-axis (color axis for color maps)
| data-x-min || scatter, histogram || Minimum of the X-axis
| data-x-max || Maximum of the Z-axis
| data-x-max || scatter, histogram || Maximum of the X-axis
| data-overlay || Function which gets called after the graph has been drawn. The function can be used to draw an overlay on the graph. See below for an example.
| data-x-log || scatter, histogram || Use logarithmic X-axis if "true"
| data-y-min || scatter, histogram || Minimum of the Y-axis
| data-y-max || scatter, histogram || Maximum of the Y-axis
| data-y-log || scatter, histogram || Use logarithmic Y-axis if "true"
| data-z-min || colormap || Minimum of the Z-axis (color axis for color maps)
| data-z-max || colormap|| Maximum of the Z-axis
| data-z-log || colormap || Use logarithmic Z-axis if "true"
| data-overlay || All plot types || Function which gets called after the graph has been drawn. The function can be used to draw an overlay on the graph. See below for an example.
| data-event || All plot types || Optional event handler for mouse events. Following parameters are passed to the handler: "event", "this", "ix" and "iy". "event" is the original mouse event, "this" is the reference to the mplot object, and the ix/iy are the colum and row numbers if the plot is a 2D colormap. The event handler can the for example look for "dblclick" events and show information about the current bin. If the event handler returns "true", the framework does not process the mouse event any further. This way one can block the pan/zoom for example.

Line 93: Line 111:
       ctx.fillStyle = "red";
       ctx.fillStyle = "red";
       plot.drawTextBox(ctx, "First overlay line\nSecond overlay line", 120, 150);
       plot.drawTextBox(ctx, "First overlay line\nSecond overlay line", 120, 150);
= Mouse event function =
The mouse event function can be used to process all types of mouse events. This example shows the current row and column.
  // This function will be called if you have 'data-event="mevent"' in your plot's div:
  function mevent(event, plot, ix, iy) {
      if (event.type === "dblclick) {
        // Note ix and iy are only set for 2D plots; for 1D plots they are undefined
        console.log(ix + " / " + iy);
        return true; // don't process the event any further
      return false;
Line 98: Line 133:
= JSON parameter set =
= JSON parameter set =

Instead of defining all parameters with <code>data-xxx</code> tags, the parameters might be defined inside the <code><div></code> tag using JSON encoding. Following text gives a complete example of all parameters:
Instead of defining all parameters with <code>data-xxx</code> tags, the parameters might be defined inside the <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tag using JSON encoding. Following text gives a complete example of all parameters:

Line 154: Line 189:
         "type": "scatter",
         "type": "scatter",
        "getFromODB": true,
         "odbPath": "/System/Tmp/Plot",
         "odbPath": "/System/Tmp/Plot",
         "x": "X2",
         "x": "X2",
Line 185: Line 221:
= More examples =
= More examples =

More plot examples are contained in the plot_example.html file in the midas/resource/ directory which produces following page:
More plot examples are contained in the <code>plot_example.html</code> file in the midas/resource/ directory which produces following page:

= Setting parameters and data programmatically =
To set the parameters of a plot via JavaScript code, simply access the plot object and modify its parameters like
  let p = document.getElementById("MyPlot").mpg;    // obtain plot from ID
  p.param.title.text = "Different titel";          // change plot title
  p.param.plot[0].line.color = 2;                  // change line color of first plot to index 2
To change the data of the plot, use the function <code>setData(index, x, y)</code> for scatter plots or <code>setData(index, h)</code> for histograms like
  let p = document.getElementById("MyPlot").mpg;    // obtain plot from ID
  let x = Array.from({length: 20}, (_, i) => i);    // create x array with 20 elements 0,1,2,...19
  let y = => x*x);                          // create y array with y_i = x_i^2
  p.setData(0, x, y);
To create a plot directly from JavaScript code without a <code>&lt;div class="mplot" ...&gt;</code> HTML element, directly use the MPlotGraph() constructor as
  let plot = new MPlotGraph(document.getElementById("plotId"));
  plot.setData(0, x, y)
A set of parameters can be passed to the constructor. This allows to create plots other than a scatter plot with different parameters such as:
  // create colormap plot with parameters
  let param = {
      type = "colormap";
      showZScale: true,
      nx: 32,
      ny: 32,
      xMin : -20,
      xMax: 20,
      yMin: -10,
      yMax: 10
  let plot = new MPlotGraph(document.getElementById("plotId"), param);
  // create some dummy data
  let size = 32;
  let z = Array.from({length: size*size});
  for (let y=0 ; y<size ; y++)
      for (let x=0 ; x<size ; x++) {
        z[y*size + x] = 10 * Math.exp(-(x-size/2)*(x-size/2) / size) *
            Math.exp(-(y-size/2)*(y-size/2) / size );
  // display dummy data
  plot.setData(0, z)

Latest revision as of 11:21, 24 September 2024


Custom pages may contain custom plots, sich as scatter plots, histograms and color plots. This can be achieved by including the mplot.js library and creating a <div class="mplot"> element. Following example shows the code for a simple page for a scatter plot:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="midas.css">
   <script src="controls.js"></script>
   <script src="midas.js"></script>
   <script src="mhttpd.js"></script>
   <script src="mplot.js"></script>

<body class="mcss" onload="mhttpd_init('myPage');mplot_init()">
<div id="mheader"></div>
<div id="msidenav"></div>

<div id="mmain">
   <div class="mplot" style="height: 360px;width: 700px;"
        data-x="X" data-y="Y">


And here is the resulting page:

Simple plot.png

The data is stored in the ODB under the X-array /Path/To/Data/X and the Y-array under /Path/To/Data/Y as two float arrays of the same size.

Optional parameters

Several options are possible to modify the plot. Following table gives an overview of the various parameters:

Available parameters for "mplot" div
Parameter Applies to Meaning
data-odb-path All plot types Path into the ODB where the data for the plot is stored
data-x scatter, histogram ODB path to X data for the first graph (relative to data-odb-path)
data-y scatter ODB path to Y data for the first graph (relative to data-odb-path)
data-x1 scatter, histogram ODB path to X data for the first graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
data-y1 scatter ODB path to Y data for the first graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
data-x<n> scatter, histogram ODB path to X data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
data-y<n> scatter ODB path to Y data for the <n>-th graph if several graphs are used (relative to data-odb-path)
data-h histogram ODB path to Y data for a histogram (relative to data-odb-path)
data-h<n> histogram ODB path to Y data for the <n>-th histogram if several histograms are used (relative to data-odb-path)
data-label<n> scatter, histogram Label for <n>-th graph or histogram if several are used
data-alpha<n> scatter, histogram Transparency (alpha) for graph or histogram if several are used. 0 is completely transparent and 1 is opaque.
data-nx colormap Number of X bins for a color map.
data-ny colormap Number of Y bins for a color map.
data-z colormap ODB path to data for a color map (relative to data-odb-path). If data-nx is 3, and data-ny is 4, then data-z must be 12 elements long (one entry for each x,y co-ordinate). Ordering is "loop through all X indices for the lowest Y index before moving to next Y index", e.g. (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (1,0), (1,1) .... (3,0), (3,1), (3,2).
data-title All plot types Title of the graph shown on top
data-x-text All plot types Label shown below the X-axis
data-y-text All plot types Label shown left of the Y-axis
data-x-min scatter, histogram Minimum of the X-axis
data-x-max scatter, histogram Maximum of the X-axis
data-x-log scatter, histogram Use logarithmic X-axis if "true"
data-y-min scatter, histogram Minimum of the Y-axis
data-y-max scatter, histogram Maximum of the Y-axis
data-y-log scatter, histogram Use logarithmic Y-axis if "true"
data-z-min colormap Minimum of the Z-axis (color axis for color maps)
data-z-max colormap Maximum of the Z-axis
data-z-log colormap Use logarithmic Z-axis if "true"
data-overlay All plot types Function which gets called after the graph has been drawn. The function can be used to draw an overlay on the graph. See below for an example.
data-event All plot types Optional event handler for mouse events. Following parameters are passed to the handler: "event", "this", "ix" and "iy". "event" is the original mouse event, "this" is the reference to the mplot object, and the ix/iy are the colum and row numbers if the plot is a 2D colormap. The event handler can the for example look for "dblclick" events and show information about the current bin. If the event handler returns "true", the framework does not process the mouse event any further. This way one can block the pan/zoom for example.

Overlay function

The overlay function can be used to draw text or graphics on top of the graph. Following function puts a label at the graph:

   function overlay(plot, ctx) {
      ctx.fillStyle = "red";
      plot.drawTextBox(ctx, "First overlay line\nSecond overlay line", 120, 150);

Mouse event function

The mouse event function can be used to process all types of mouse events. This example shows the current row and column.

   // This function will be called if you have 'data-event="mevent"' in your plot's div:
   function mevent(event, plot, ix, iy) {
      if (event.type === "dblclick) {
         // Note ix and iy are only set for 2D plots; for 1D plots they are undefined
         console.log(ix + " / " + iy);
         return true; // don't process the event any further
      return false;

JSON parameter set

Instead of defining all parameters with data-xxx tags, the parameters might be defined inside the <div> tag using JSON encoding. Following text gives a complete example of all parameters:

<div class="mplot" style="height: 400px;width: 700px;">
   "showMenuButtons": true,

   "color": {
      "background": "#FFFFFF",
      "axis": "#808080",
      "grid": "#D0D0D0",
      "label": "#404040"

   "title": {
      "color": "#404040",
      "backgroundColor": "#808080",
      "textSize": 20,
      "text": "Customized scatter plot"

   "legend": {
      "show": true,
      "color": "#D0D0D0",
      "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
      "textColor": "#404040",
      "textSize": 16

   "xAxis": {
      "log": false,
      "min": -10,
      "max": 10,
      "grid": true,
      "textSize": 10,
      "title": {
         "text": "x [mm]",
         "textSize" : 14

   "yAxis": {
      "log": false,
      "min": -10,
      "max": 10,
      "grid": true,
      "textSize": 10,
      "title": {
         "text": "Scaler [Hz]",
         "textSize" : 10

   "plot": [
         "type": "scatter",
         "getFromODB": true,
         "odbPath": "/System/Tmp/Plot",
         "x": "X2",
         "y": "Y2",
         "label": "High threshold",
         "marker": {
            "draw": true,
            "lineColor": 3,
            "fillColor": 3,
            "style": "cross",
            "size": 10,
            "lineWidth": 2

         "line": {
            "draw": false,
            "fill": true,
            "color": 0,
            "style": "solid",
            "width": 1


The parameter list does not have to be complete. Any existing parameter in this list is combined with the internal default parameter set. The colors might be either a direct color like "red" or "#FF0000", or an index to the list of 16 internal colors, which have to be chosen to be as far apart as possible in color space.

More examples

More plot examples are contained in the plot_example.html file in the midas/resource/ directory which produces following page:


Setting parameters and data programmatically

To set the parameters of a plot via JavaScript code, simply access the plot object and modify its parameters like

  let p = document.getElementById("MyPlot").mpg;    // obtain plot from ID
  p.param.title.text = "Different titel";           // change plot title
  p.param.plot[0].line.color = 2;                   // change line color of first plot to index 2

To change the data of the plot, use the function setData(index, x, y) for scatter plots or setData(index, h) for histograms like

  let p = document.getElementById("MyPlot").mpg;    // obtain plot from ID
  let x = Array.from({length: 20}, (_, i) => i);    // create x array with 20 elements 0,1,2,...19
  let y = => x*x);                          // create y array with y_i = x_i^2
  p.setData(0, x, y);

To create a plot directly from JavaScript code without a <div class="mplot" ...> HTML element, directly use the MPlotGraph() constructor as

   let plot = new MPlotGraph(document.getElementById("plotId"));
   plot.setData(0, x, y)

A set of parameters can be passed to the constructor. This allows to create plots other than a scatter plot with different parameters such as:

   // create colormap plot with parameters
   let param = {
      type = "colormap";
      showZScale: true,
      nx: 32,
      ny: 32,
      xMin : -20,
      xMax: 20,
      yMin: -10,
      yMax: 10
   let plot = new MPlotGraph(document.getElementById("plotId"), param);

   // create some dummy data
   let size = 32;
   let z = Array.from({length: size*size});
   for (let y=0 ; y<size ; y++)
      for (let x=0 ; x<size ; x++) {
         z[y*size + x] = 10 * Math.exp(-(x-size/2)*(x-size/2) / size) *
            Math.exp(-(y-size/2)*(y-size/2) / size );

   // display dummy data
   plot.setData(0, z)