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mhttpd.js contains javascript function wrappers for most MIDAS AJAX functions typically used for implementing interactive custom pages for MIDAS experiments.
mhttpd.js is typically served by mhttpd from $MIDASSYS/resources/mhttpd.js
<html> <head> ... <script src='mhttpd.js'></script> ... </head> ... </html>
A mostly up to date copy of mhttpd.js is linked here:
An example for using all mhttpd.js functions is included in the MIDAS distribution under examples/javascript1:
MIDAS AJAX functions can be accessed directly without using mhttpd.js wrappers (i.e. using the JSON-P script-tag method)
- AJAX - MIDAS AJAX functions
Helper functions:
- function getMouseXY(e)
- function XMLHttpRequestGeneric()
ODB access functions:
- function ODBSet(path, value, pwdname)
- function ODBGet(path, format, defval, len, type)
- function ODBMGet(paths, callback, formats)
- function ODBGetRecord(path)
- function ODBExtractRecord(record, key)
- function ODBKey(path)
- function ODBCopy(path, format)
- function ODBEdit(path)
MIDAS access functions:
- function ODBRpc_rev0(name, rpc, args)
- function ODBRpc_rev1(name, rpc, max_reply_length, args)
- function ODBGetMsg(n)
- function ODBGenerateMsg(m)
- function ODBGetAlarms()
Summary table: