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The mhttpd utility runs the MIDAS Web Server which allows the user to communicate with the experiment. It is used for run control.


   -p port  : port number e.g. 8081 (no default)
  [-h] : connect to midas server (mserver) on given host
  [-e] : experiment to connect to
  [-v] : display verbose HTTP communication
  [-D] : starts program as a daemon
  [-E] : only display ELog system
  [-H] : only display history plots
  [-a] : only allow access for specific host(s). Several [-a Hostname] statements might be given
  [-help] : display usage information


  The TCP/IP port number is required as an argument in order to listen to the web-based request.
  mhttpd -p port [-h Hostname] [-e Experiment]  [-v] [-D] [-c] [-a Hostname]
  mhttpd -p 8081 -D


As mentioned, mhttpd provide a mean for run control which include the monitoring of the run parameters as well. Its main feature is a web paged invoked through any web browser accessing the Midas experimental URL at a defined port. The content of this "Midas status page" is composed with the minimal information relative to the experiment and a collection of buttons and links to further describe and control the configuration of the experiment.

  • Minimal display (main web page)
    • Experiment name, time & date, page refresh rate
    • Buttons (see below)
    • User defined buttons
    • run comments and condition display section (if enabled)
    • Equipment list with current running condition, number of event received, event rate, data rate for each equipment.
    • Data logging statistics (number of event recorded, data size recorder, compression factor, usage storage level) if enabled.
    • Secondary Data logging (data mover) with statistics if enabled.
    • Single line of the most recent Midas message.
    • Table of the current applications connected to this experiment.
  • Buttons
    • Transition the state of the run (stopped/running/paused), allows if setup to enter user running condition parameters at the start state.
    • Access to the full Online Database for data display and/or data content modification.
    • Display the Midas Messages. These messages are generated by the Midas system as well as the user using cm_msg() functions.
    • Access to ELOG" site. "Short-cut" switch to the predefined "electronic logbook".
    • Access to the Alarms section for monitoring the different type of alarms (evaluated, programs, internals, periodic).
    • Access to the Program section for a status or interaction with the current running applications part of the Midas experiment.
    • Access to the History for graphical data representation of any ODB variables and acquired data.
    • Access to the Midas Slow Control Bus devices MSCB connected to this experiment.
    • Access to the run Sequencer control/monitoring page for interactive loading/saving/running of a run sequence based on any ODB parameters.
    • Short-cut to the Midas Help documentation resource.
  • Links
    • links to all the listed equipments invoking a dedicated page for the display and possible control of the equipment parameters.
    • link to the logger configuration (if present) for the data recording.
    • link to the possible secondary logging configuration parameters (if present).

Multiple copies

Several copies of mhttpd can run on a single host, as long as they are started on different ports.

If more than one experiment runs on the same host, a server for each experiment must be started on a different port, e.g.

          mhttpd -e midas -p 8081 -D
          mhttpd -e midgas -p 8082 -D