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Entry  20 Aug 2015, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, MIDAS message page auto-size (horizontally) is annoying 
    Reply  21 Aug 2015, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, MIDAS message page auto-size (horizontally) is annoying 
Message ID: 1098     Entry time: 20 Aug 2015     Reply to this: 1099
Author: Thomas Lindner 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: MIDAS message page auto-size (horizontally) is annoying 
New version of MIDAS has a feature where it seems to automatically resize the
message page horizontally in order to fix each MIDAS message into one line. 
Some of my MIDAS messages (in particular error messages, where I need details)
are very long.  The result is that the MIDAS page automatically becomes very
wide and I have to scroll a lot left/right in order to read my messages.  This
is annoying.

I would vote to roll-back this new feature.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5