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Entry  16 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas JSON-RPC interface 
    Reply  29 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas JSON-RPC interface 
       Reply  29 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, javascript docs, midas JSON-RPC interface 
       Reply  02 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas JSON-RPC interface 
          Reply  11 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, merged: midas JSON-RPC interface 
             Reply  20 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, documented, merged: midas JSON-RPC interface 
Message ID: 1132     Entry time: 02 Nov 2015     In reply to: 1126     Reply to this: 1134
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: midas JSON-RPC interface 
> > 
> > JSON-RPC My implementation follows these internet standards:
> > 
> > // - JSON RFC
> > // - specification of JSON-RPC 2.0
> > //
> JSON Schema

Without figuring out how to run docson one can see the JSON-RPC Schema linked from the mhttpd "Help" page
follow link "JSON RPC schema" -> "text format" you will see it pretty printed like this:

Autogenerated schema for all MIDAS JSON-RPC methods
cm_exist      | calls MIDAS cm_exist() to check if given MIDAS program is running
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
              |        | unique?        | bool           | bUnique argument to cm_exist()
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | status         | integer        | return status of cm_exist()
cm_shutdown   | calls MIDAS cm_shutdown() to stop given MIDAS program
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
              |        | unique?        | bool           | bUnique argument to cm_shutdown()
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | status         | integer        | return status of cm_shutdown()
db_copy       | get copies of given ODB subtrees in the "save" json encoding
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
              |        |                | array of       | string 
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | data[]         | copy of ODB data for each path
              |        |                | array of       | object 
              |        | status[]       | return status of db_copy_json() for each path
              |        |                | array of       | integer
              |        | last_written[] | last_written value of the ODB subtree for each path
              |        |                | array of       | number 
db_create     | get copies of given ODB subtrees in the "save" json encoding
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | array of ODB paths to be created
              |        | array of       | arguments to db_create() and db_resize()
              |        |                | path           | string  | ODB path
              |        |                | type           | integer | MIDAS TID_xxx type
              |        |                | array_length?  | integer | optional array length, default is 1
              |        |                | string_length? | integer | for TID_STRING, optional string length, default is NAME_LENGTH
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | status[]       | return status of db_create() for each path
              |        |                | array of       | integer
db_get_values | get values of ODB data from given subtrees
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
              |        |                | array of       | string 
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | data[]         | values of ODB data for each path, all key names are in lower case, all symlinks are followed
              |        |                | array of       | any    
              |        | status[]       | return status of db_copy_json() for each path
              |        |                | array of       | integer
              |        | last_written[] | last_written value of the ODB subtree for each path
              |        |                | array of       | number 
db_paste      | write data into ODB
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
              |        |                | array of       | string 
              |        | values[]       | data to be written using db_paste_json()
              |        |                | array of       | any    
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | status[]       | return status of db_paste_json() for each path
              |        |                | array of       | integer
get_debug     | get current value of mjsonrpc_debug
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | any            | there are no input parameters
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | integer        | current value of mjsonrpc_debug
get_schema    | Get the MIDAS JSON-RPC schema JSON object
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | any            | there are no input parameters
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | object         | returns the MIDAS JSON-RPC schema JSON object
null          | RPC method always returns null
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | any            | method parameters are ignored
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | null           | always returns null
set_debug     | set new value of mjsonrpc_debug
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | integer        | new value of mjsonrpc_debug
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | integer        | new value of mjsonrpc_debug
start_program | start MIDAS program defined in ODB /Programs/name
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | params | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
              | -----------------------------------------------------
              | result | status         | integer        | return status of ss_system()
user_example1 | any   
user_example2 | any   
user_example3 | any   
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