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Entry  22 Feb 2016, ZiyiGuo, Forum, Problem with BLTRead 
    Reply  23 Feb 2016, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, Problem with BLTRead 
       Reply  02 Mar 2016, ZiyiGuo, Forum, Problem with BLTRead 
Message ID: 1164     Entry time: 22 Feb 2016     Reply to this: 1165
Author: ZiyiGuo 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Problem with BLTRead 
Dear all,

I'm using MIDAS system and CAEN V1721 to digitize the waveform from photomultipliers ( 
and the link bridge to PC is V2718 ). I use BLTRead to read data of the digitizer, but 
I found that if the event counting rate is high ( about 100KB/s ), the communication 
of V1721 and PC would be suspended randomly, and I get an error code of -2. Could you 
give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
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