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Entry  27 Jul 2017, Wes Gohn, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
    Reply  10 Aug 2017, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
       Reply  12 Aug 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
          Reply  13 Aug 2017, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
             Reply  13 Aug 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
                Reply  13 Aug 2017, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
Message ID: 1316     Entry time: 13 Aug 2017     In reply to: 1315
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Increasing Max Number of Frontends 
The type INT has been defined in 1989 when I for the first time sent data between a 16-bit MS-DOS computer and a 32-bit VAX computer (good old 
days!). At that time, uint32_t was not available at all. So much for the historical background.

I agree that switching from INT to int32_t is getting closer to standards and might help new people better understand things. This means however to 
touch all midas files and change about 5000 (!) locations:

BYTE -> uint8_t
WORD -> uint16_t
DWORD -> uint32_t
INT -> int32_t

Next we have the midas data types TID_xxx?

The nice thing now is that for example WORD and TID_WORD belong together and this is obvious. For uint16_t and TID_WORD is is not so obvious 
any more, so I guess we should rename TID_WORD to TID_UINT16_t. The same fore 


But if we changer TID_XXX, the ASCII representations of the ODB break compatibility! Right now we have for example

midas http port = INT : 8080

which will become

midas http port = INT32_T : 8080

so one cannot load old ODB files any more!

With JSON encoding it's better because only the type number is stored, not the string. So INT -> 7 could stay, although in my opinion encoding the 
type in an integer number is not good for readability. Nobody knows what "7" means as a type. You always have to do a look-up in midas.c and count 
array indices manually.

I'm not sure how many experiments use the ASCII ODB format in one way or the other in some custom scripts. It might be that changing the format 
might have severe side effects for some experiments, so before we undertake this endeavor I would like to get some feedback here on the forum 
about people from other experiments and see what they think.


> > if (sizeof(INT) != 4) then severe_error_and_stop_all_programs()
> Quick reply.
> Today, for fixed size data types one should use uint32_t & co, see
> stdint.h
> (scroll down and click to open "implementation -> compiler support"
> The other popular convention is "u32" used by the Linux kernel, you will see it in the linux kernel drivers.
> If I remember right, WORD and DWORD grow legs from the 16-bit Motorolla 68xxx processors,
> VxWorks and the VME bus. At some point the data buses were 16-bit wide and that we the WORD.
> (I do not think UNIX ever used the WORD/DWORD names, i.e. MacOS has int32_t and u_int32_t).
> K.O.
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