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Entry  12 Mar 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, EQ_MANUAL_TRIG no button in web interface 
    Reply  16 Mar 2018, Stefan Ritt, Forum, EQ_MANUAL_TRIG no button in web interface 
Message ID: 1355     Entry time: 16 Mar 2018     In reply to: 1352
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: EQ_MANUAL_TRIG no button in web interface 

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:

according to the wiki, setting the equipment flag EQ_MANUAL_TRIG is supposed to
have the mhttpd webinterface provide a button for manual triggering. It appears that just setting this flag is not enough or this feature is broken. The equipment shows up, but no button to manually trigger it.

A somewhat related question: Can I log this kind of event while the current run is stopped or is it necessary to start a dedicated run for this?


The status page has currently being rewritten to pure HTML/Javascript code (no HTML code produced by mhttpd), and the "manual trigger" feature has consciously not been re-implemented. This is a "special" feature which should not be on the general status page. It should be either put on a custom page, where it can be further customized (like passing parameters to the font-end etc.). The functionality should then be implemented using the new mjson_rpc functions. This allows to call any function from a web page on the front-end. Alternatively the status.html page can be modified to contain this feature. If you need the exact syntax to call mjson_rpc, follow the documentation and examples or ask directly the author of these functions KO.

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