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Entry  12 Jun 2019, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Strange JS array creation 
    Reply  17 Jun 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Strange JS array creation 
       Reply  24 Jun 2019, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Strange JS array creation 
          Reply  25 Jun 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Strange JS array creation 
Message ID: 1567     Entry time: 24 Jun 2019     In reply to: 1550     Reply to this: 1570
Author: Marius Koeppel 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Strange JS array creation 
> > for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
> >         modbset("/Equipment/Switching/Variables/DATA_WRITE[" + String(i) + "]", parseInt(lines[i]));
> > }
> this is wrong.
> a) you are programming javascript as if it were C/C++. You think this code wrote lines.length() values 
> to ODB, when what the code actually did is queued lines.length() RPC requests for later execution. 
> Eventually some time later, each RPC request will open a connection to mhttpd, send a request, wait 
> for mhtttpd to process it, etc. Where do you wait for the completion of all these RPCs before 
> proceeding as if all the data has been successfully written to ODB? (answer: you cannot, javascript 
> cannot "wait for things", instead you have to make chains of event handlers. javascript != C/C++. 
> They are completely different).

--> Following your discussion about async. functions I will change this part of the code and make chains of
event handlers.

> b)  you should write the whole array in one operation instead of looping over each element. see 
> mjsonrpc_db_paste() and example.html.

--> In the midas back-end I never created an array. I created an INT in the ODB with db_create_key(hDB, 0,
"Equipment/Switching/Variables/DATA_WRITE", TID_INT). By using modset in javascript and parsing the string
"/Equipment/Switching/Variables/DATA_WRITE[" + String(i) + "]" I call it like an array and it shows up like an
array in the ODB. So for explaining it a bit better how the value changes in the ODB take this pseudo code

// midas part //
> int a = 1; // this is more or less what I think db_create_key is doing in the ODB
// midas part //

// ODB //
> print(a) // this prints me 1 and this is also the value what I see in the ODB
// ODB //

// javascript part //
> for int i in [1,2,3,4] do 
> modset(a[i], i) // for simplification I don't use event handlers here
> end for
// javascript part //

// ODB //
> print(a) // now I see [1,2,3,4]
// ODB //

This example violates type safety. I know that javascript is not type safe. According to this I would like
to know if this behavior is wanted or why there is no bounds checking?

> I do not understand your question about "calling an INT like an array".
--> Here I mean that I call the variable in the ODB via string passing, like I would call a variable, which is
an array. I don't speak about function calls.

> parseInt() (defined where?)
--> This is a global JavaScript function (

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