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Entry  06 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
    Reply  16 Sep 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
    Reply  26 Sep 2019, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
       Reply  27 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
          Reply  27 Sep 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
Message ID: 1703     Entry time: 27 Sep 2019     In reply to: 1702     Reply to this: 1707
Author: Pintaudi Giorgio 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
Thank you for the feedback.
I will try to use the db_watch function in the future.
I tried to look for more info about the db_watch function in the Wiki but I could not find much.
The Doxygen documentation website ( seems to be down: no html folder.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array?

Yes it is with the now preferred function db_watch(). Following program will open a hot link to the /Experiment/Run number:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "midas.h"

int run_number;

void run_number_changed(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int i, void *info)
int run_number, size;

/* get run number */
size = sizeof(run_number);
db_get_data(hDB, hKey, &run_number, &size, TID_INT);
printf("Run number is %d\n", run_number);


/* connect to experiment */
cm_connect_experiment("", "", "ODB Test", NULL);

/* open hot link to run number */
db_find_key(1, 0, "/runinfo/run number", &hKey);
db_watch(1, hKey, run_number_changed, NULL);

/* enter idle loop */
while (cm_yield(1000); != RPC_SHUTDOWN);

return 1;
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