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Entry  12 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 
    Reply  13 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, List of sequencer files Screenshot_2020-05-13_at_9.11.55_.png
       Reply  18 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 
       Reply  19 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 
          Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, List of sequencer files 
Message ID: 1907     Entry time: 12 May 2020     Reply to this: 1908
Author: Ruslan Podviianiuk 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: List of sequencer files 

We are going to implement a list of sequencer files to allow users to select one 
of them. The name of this file will be transferred to 
/ODB/Sequencer/State/Filename field of ODB. 

Is it possible to get a list of Sequencer files from MIDAS? Is there a jrpc 
command for this?


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