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Entry  12 Aug 2020, Yan Liu, Suggestion, adding db_get_mode ti check access mode for keys 
    Reply  13 Aug 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, adding db_get_mode ti check access mode for keys 
       Reply  13 Aug 2020, Yan Liu, Suggestion, adding db_get_mode ti check access mode for keys 
Message ID: 1982     Entry time: 13 Aug 2020     In reply to: 1981     Reply to this: 1983
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: adding db_get_mode ti check access mode for keys 
> Hello,
> I am wondering if there is a function that checks the access mode for a key? I 
> found the db_set_mode() function that allows me to set the access mode for a key, 
> but failed to find its counterpart get function.
> Thanks in advance,
> Yan

  KEY k;
  db_get_key(hDB, handle, &k);
  std::cout << k.access_mode << std::endl;

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