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Entry  17 Dec 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, Improving variable functionality in Sequencer? 
    Reply  05 Jan 2021, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, Improving variable functionality in Sequencer? 
       Reply  06 Jan 2021, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Improving variable functionality in Sequencer? laser.msl
Message ID: 2061     Entry time: 17 Dec 2020     Reply to this: 2065
Author: Amy Roberts 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Improving variable functionality in Sequencer? 
We're using the sequencer to manage runs, and this typically looks something like:

1. save ODB keys to variables via ODBGET
2. set ODB keys to new values for a "pre-run" process
3. return ODB keys to values created in line 1
4. take data

The problem I'm running into is that the list of ODB keys to save is pretty 
unwieldy.  I'm wondering if there are sequencer features that exist or that I could 
request that might make this easier.

For example, having a way to list ODB keys, save ODB directories, and load ODB 
directories would be much more concise way for me to write my script.

Another option might be to have some version of the ODBSET wildcards for ODBGET.  
Although for this, setting the variable names might be tricky.  

In any case, even being able to ODBGET an array and set that to one variable name 
would be a big improvement.
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