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Entry  04 Apr 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, bk_init32a data format 
    Reply  13 Apr 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, bk_init32a data format 
Message ID: 2140     Entry time: 04 Apr 2021     Reply to this: 2150
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: bk_init32a data format 
In April 4th 2020 Stefan added a new data format that fixes the well known problem with alternating banks being 
misaligned against 64-bit addresses. (cannot find announcement on this forum. midas commit

This brings the number of midas data formats to 3:

bk_init: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000001 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION)
bk_init32: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000011 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT)
bk_init32a: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000031 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT | BANK_FORMAT_64BIT_ALIGNED;

TMEvent (midasio and manalyzer) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit

TMidasEvent (rootana) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit

ROOTANA should be able to handle bk_init32a() data now.

TMFE MIDAS c++ frontend switched from bk_init32() to bk_init32a() format (midas commit

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5