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Entry  26 May 2021, Marco Chiappini, Info, label ordering in history plot 
    Reply  02 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, label ordering in history plot 
       Reply  02 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, label ordering in history plot 
Message ID: 2173     Entry time: 26 May 2021     Reply to this: 2197
Author: Marco Chiappini 
Topic: Info 
Subject: label ordering in history plot 
Dear all,
is there any way to order the labels in the history plot legend? In the old 
system there was the “order” column in the config panel, but I can not find it 
in the new system. Thanks in advance for the support.

Best regards,
Marco Chiappini
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5