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Entry  12 Dec 2021, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  dummy_fe.cpp
    Reply  26 Jan 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
       Reply  26 Jan 2022, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
          Reply  26 Jan 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
             Reply  26 Jan 2022, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
    Reply  28 Jan 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  dummy_fe.cpp
       Reply  16 Feb 2022, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
          Reply  03 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
             Reply  07 Mar 2022, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
                Reply  25 Mar 2022, Marius Koeppel, Bug Report, Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
Message ID: 2308     Entry time: 12 Dec 2021     Reply to this: 2313   2326
Author: Marius Koeppel 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Writting MIDAS Events via FPGAs  
Dear all,

in 13 Feb 2020 to 21 Feb 2020 we had a talk about how I try to create MIDAS events directly on a FPGA and 
than use DMA to hand the event over to MIDAS. In the thread I also explained how I do it in my MIDAS frontend. 

For testing the DAQ I created a dummy frontend which was emulating my FPGA (see attached file). The interesting code is 
in the function read_stream_thread and there I just fill a array according to the 32b BANKS which are 64b aligned (more or less
the lines 306-369). And than I do:

    uint32_t * dma_buf_volatile;
    dma_buf_volatile = dma_buf_dummy;

    copy_n(&dma_buf_volatile[0], sizeof(dma_buf_dummy)/4, pdata);

    rb_increment_wp(rbh, sizeof(dma_buf_dummy)); // in byte length

to send the data to the buffer.

This summer (Mai - July) everything was working fine but today I did not get the data into MIDAS. 
I was hopping around a bit with the commits and everything was at least working until: 3921016ce6d3444e6c647cbc7840e73816564c78.

Attachment 1: dummy_fe.cpp  17 kB  | Hide | Hide all

  Name:         dummy_fe.cxx
  Created by:   Frederik Wauters
  Changed by:   Marius Koeppel

  Contents:     Dummy frontend producing stream data


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <bitset>

#include "midas.h"
#include "msystem.h"
#include "mcstd.h"

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#include "mfe.h"

using namespace std;

/*-- Globals -------------------------------------------------------*/

/* The frontend name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
const char *frontend_name = "Dummy Stream Frontend";
/* The frontend file name, don't change it */
const char *frontend_file_name = __FILE__;

/* frontend_loop is called periodically if this variable is TRUE    */
BOOL frontend_call_loop = FALSE;

/* a frontend status page is displayed with this frequency in ms    */
INT display_period = 0;

/* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
INT max_event_size = 1 << 25; // 32MB

/* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
INT max_event_size_frag = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

/* buffer size to hold events */
INT event_buffer_size = 10000 * max_event_size;

/*-- Function declarations -----------------------------------------*/

INT read_stream_thread(void *param);
uint64_t generate_random_pixel_hit(uint64_t time_stamp);
uint32_t generate_random_pixel_hit_swb(uint32_t time_stamp);

BOOL equipment_common_overwrite = TRUE; //true is overwriting the common odb  

/* DMA Buffer and related */
volatile uint32_t *dma_buf;
#define MUDAQ_DMABUF_DATA_ORDER         25 // 29, 25 for 32 MB
#define MUDAQ_DMABUF_DATA_LEN           (1 << MUDAQ_DMABUF_DATA_ORDER)  // in bytes
size_t dma_buf_size = MUDAQ_DMABUF_DATA_LEN;
uint32_t dma_buf_nwords = dma_buf_size/sizeof(uint32_t);

/*-- Equipment list ------------------------------------------------*/

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {

   {"Stream",              /* equipment name */
    {1, 0,                     /* event ID, trigger mask */
     "SYSTEM",                  /* event buffer */
     EQ_USER,               /* equipment type */
     0,                         /* event source */
     "MIDAS",                   /* format */
     TRUE,                      /* enabled */
     RO_RUNNING ,        /* read always and update ODB */
     100,                     /* poll for 100ms */
     0,                         /* stop run after this event limit */
     0,                         /* number of sub events */
     0,                         /* log history every event */
     "", "", ""} ,
    NULL,              /* readout routine */


/*-- Dummy routines ------------------------------------------------*/

INT poll_event(INT source, INT count, BOOL test)
   return 1;

INT interrupt_configure(INT cmd, INT source, POINTER_T adr)
   return 1;

/*-- Frontend Init -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_init()
  // create ring buffer for readout thread

  // create readout thread
  ss_thread_create(read_stream_thread, NULL);
  set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Ready for running", "var(--mgreen)");

  return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- Frontend Exit -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_exit()
 return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- Frontend Loop -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_loop()
  return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- Begin of Run --------------------------------------------------*/

INT begin_of_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Running", "var(--mgreen)");
  return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- End of Run ----------------------------------------------------*/

INT end_of_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Ready for running", "var(--mgreen)");
  return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- Pause Run -----------------------------------------------------*/

INT pause_run(INT run_number, char *error)
   return CM_SUCCESS;

/*-- Resume Run ----------------------------------------------------*/

INT resume_run(INT run_number, char *error)
   return CM_SUCCESS;

uint64_t generate_random_pixel_hit(uint64_t time_stamp)

  // Bits 63 - 35: TimeStamp (29 bits)
  // Bits 34 - 30: Tot       (5 bits)
  // Bits 29 - 26: Layer     (4 bits)
  // Bits 25 - 21: Phi       (5 bits)
  // Bits 20 - 16: ChipID    (5 bits)
  // Bits 15 -  8: Col       (8 bits)
  // Bits  7 -  0: Row       (8 bits)

  uint64_t tot = rand() % 31; // 0 to 31
  uint64_t layer = rand() % 15; // 0 to 15
  uint64_t phi = rand() % 31; // 0 to 31
  uint64_t chipID = rand() % 5; // 0 to 31
  uint64_t col = rand() % 250; // 0 to 255
  uint64_t row = rand() % 250; // 0 to 255

  uint64_t hit = (time_stamp << 35) | (tot << 30) | (layer << 26) | (phi << 21) | (chipID << 16) | (col << 8) | row;

  //printf("tot: 0x%2.2x,layer: 0x%2.2x,phi: 0x%2.2x,chipID: 0x%2.2x,col: 0x%2.2x,row: 0x%2.2x\n",tot,layer,phi,chipID,col,row);
  //cout << hex << hit << endl;
  //cout << hex << time_stamp << endl;
  //cout << hex << (hit >> 35 & 0x7FFFFFFFF) << endl;
  //cout << hex << (hit >> 32) << endl;

  return hit;

uint32_t generate_random_pixel_hit_swb(uint32_t time_stamp)

  uint32_t tot = rand() % 31; // 0 to 31
  uint32_t chipID = rand() % 5; // 0 to 5
  uint32_t col = rand() % 250; // 0 to 250
  uint32_t row = rand() % 250; // 0 to 250

  uint32_t hit = (time_stamp << 28) | (chipID << 22) | (row << 13) | (col << 5) | tot << 1;

//   if ( print ) {
//     printf("ts:%8.8x,chipID:%8.8x,row:%8.8x,col:%8.8x,tot:%8.8x\n", time_stamp,chipID,row,col,tot);
//     printf("hit:%8.8x\n", hit);
//     std::cout << std::bitset<32>(hit) << std::endl;
//   }

  return hit;

uint64_t generate_random_scifi_hit(uint32_t time_stamp, uint32_t counter1, uint32_t counter2)
    uint64_t asic = rand() % 8;
    uint64_t hit_type = 1;
    uint64_t channel_number = rand() % 32;
    uint64_t timestamp_bad = 0;
    uint64_t coarse_counter_value = (time_stamp >> 5) & 0x7FFF; 
    uint64_t fine_counter_value = time_stamp & 0x1F;
    uint64_t energy_flag = rand() % 2;
    uint64_t fpga_id = 10 + rand() % 4;
    if (counter1 > 0) {
        fpga_id = counter1;

    return (asic << 60) | (hit_type << 59) | (channel_number << 54) | (timestamp_bad << 53) | (coarse_counter_value << 38) | (fine_counter_value << 33) | (energy_flag << 32) | (fpga_id << 28) | ((time_stamp & 0x0FFFFFFF));


uint64_t generate_random_delta_t_exponential(float lambda)
    float r = rand()/(1.0+RAND_MAX);
    return ceil(-log(1.0-r)/lambda);

uint64_t generate_random_delta_t_gauss(float mu, float sigma)
    std::default_random_engine generator;
    std::normal_distribution<float> distribution(mu,sigma);
    float r = ceil(distribution(generator));
    if (r<0.0) r=0.0;
    return r;

INT read_stream_thread(void *param)

  uint32_t* pdata;

  // init bank structure - 64bit alignment
  uint32_t SERIAL = 0x00000001;
  uint32_t TIME = 0x00000001;

  uint64_t hit;

  // tell framework that we are alive
  signal_readout_thread_active(0, TRUE);

  // obtain ring buffer for inter-thread data exchange
  int rbh = get_event_rbh(0);
  int status;

  while (is_readout_thread_enabled()) {

    // obtain buffer space
    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);

    // just sleep and try again if buffer has no space
    if (status == DB_TIMEOUT) {
      set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Buffer full", "var(--myellow)");

    if (status != DB_SUCCESS){
       cout << "!DB_SUCCESS" << endl;

    // don't readout events if we are not running
    if (run_state != STATE_RUNNING) {
      set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Not running", "var(--myellow)");

    set_equipment_status(equipment[0].name, "Running", "var(--mgreen)");

    int nEvents = 5000;
    size_t eventSize=76;
    uint32_t dma_buf_dummy[nEvents*eventSize];

    uint64_t prev_mutrig_hit = 0;
    uint64_t delta_t_1 = 100;
... 212 more lines ...
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5