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Entry  16 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Info, New midas sequencer version 
    Reply  22 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Info, New midas sequencer version 
       Reply  15 Apr 2022, Stefan Ritt, Info, New midas sequencer version sequencer.pdf
Message ID: 2355     Entry time: 16 Mar 2022     Reply to this: 2358
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Info 
Subject: New midas sequencer version 
A new version of the midas sequencer has been developed and now available in the 
develop/seq_eval branch. Many thanks to Lewis Van Winkle and his TinyExpr library 
(, which has now been integrated into the sequencer 
and allow arbitrary Math expressions. Here is a complete list of new features:

* Math is now possible in all expressions, such as "x = $i*3 + sin($y*pi)^2", or 
in "ODBSET /Path/value[$i*2+1], 10"

* "SET <var>,<value>" can be written as "<var>=<value>", but the old syntax is 
still possible.

* There are new functions ODBCREATE and ODBDLETE to create and delete ODB keys, 
including arrays

* Variable arrays are now possible, like "a[5] = 0" and "MESSAGE $a[5]"

If the branch works for us in the next days and I don't get complaints from 
others, I will merge the branch into develop next week.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5