> It seems that the second write operation "overlaps" the first one...
Hi Gennaro,
In principle the same issue can happen in C++ code, but is much less likely as the callbacks get executed more quickly (partly due to C++/python in general, and partly because the python code does some extra work to make the interface more user-friendly). The C++ code at the end of this message adds a 100ms sleep to the callback and can result in output like this when you do quick edits of "Test[0-19]" in odbedit.
Element 1 is 0
Element 2 is 0
Element 3 is 0
Element 4 is 0
Element 5 is 0
Element 6 is 0
Element 7 is 1
Element 8 is 1
Element 9 is 1
I agree that this can be a really nasty source of bugs if you need to react to every change. I'll add a warning to the python docstrings, but I can't think of a way to make this more robust at the midas level - I think we'd need some sort of ODB "snapshot" system...
#include "midas.h"
void watch_fn(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int index, void *info) {
DWORD data = 0;
INT buf_size = sizeof(data);
db_get_data_index(hDB, hKey, &data, &buf_size, index, TID_DWORD);
printf("Element %d is %u\n", index, data);
int main() {
HNDLE hDB, hClient, hTestKey;
std::string host, expt;
cm_get_environment(&host, &expt);
cm_connect_experiment(host.c_str(), expt.c_str(), "test_odb", nullptr);
cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, &hClient);
static const DWORD numValues = 20;
DWORD data[numValues] = {};
db_set_value(hDB, 0, "Test", data, sizeof(DWORD) * numValues, numValues, TID_DWORD);
db_find_key(hDB, 0, "Test", &hTestKey);
db_watch(hDB, hTestKey, watch_fn, nullptr);
printf("Press any key to exit loop...\n");
while (!ss_kbhit()) {
db_delete_key(hDB, hTestKey, FALSE);
return 0;
} |