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Entry  01 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, added web page for "mdump" 
    Reply  01 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, added web page for "mdump" 
    Reply  01 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, added web page for "mdump" 
       Reply  02 May 2022, Stefan Ritt, Info, added web page for "mdump" 
Message ID: 2394     Entry time: 02 May 2022     In reply to: 2392
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Info 
Subject: added web page for "mdump" 
Here are some of my thoughts:

- I volunteer to write the JavaScript midas bank decoder. Just a couple of pure javascript functions, no 
midasio.cxx library needed.

- If different javascript connections "steal" events from each other, I would not be concerned. Actually I 
would rather like that all connections see the SAME event. So mhttpd keeps one event, serves it to all 
links, so displays are consistent. If a browser wants to see the "next" event, it send the old serial 
number and days "please send next event AFTER serial number". If the serial number is larger than the 
event in the buffer, mhttpd fetches a new event and puts it into its buffer.

- Since javascript connections are connectionless, I would rather pass event_id and trigger_mask with each 
request. Then mhttpd can retrieve events until event_id and trigger_mask match, then serve that event. 
Since reading events from a midas buffer is fast (many 10'000s of events per second), the won't be much of 
a delay.

- GET_ALL does not make sense for browsers, you don't want to slow down any frontend. If someone wants to 
do histogramming in the browser, then GET_SOME (which is kind of GET_OLD) would make sense, but most of 
the cases we have some single event display, and there a GET_RECENT is most appropriate.
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