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Entry  13 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, analysis of corner cases in event buffer write cache 
    Reply  16 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, analysis of corner cases in event buffer write cache 
       Reply  16 May 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, analysis of corner cases in event buffer write cache 
Message ID: 2401     Entry time: 13 May 2022     Reply to this: 2403
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: analysis of corner cases in event buffer write cache 

to remember, bm_send_event() writes an event to the write cache, bm_flush_cache() 
writes the contents of the write cache into the shared memory event buffer, buffer 
free space is consumed. in the usual case, mlogger is reading events from the shared 
memory event buffer, buffer free space is released. there is also a read cache, not 
part of this discussion.

the purpose of the write cache is to reduce contention for the shared memory 
semaphore. in the case of large number of small events, semaphore is locked per 
cache-flush, instead of per-event. correct tuning of write cache and event size can 
reduce lock rate from >100 kHz to around 100 Hz or lower.


for correct operation of bm_send_event() under all conditions we need to consider 
all corner cases:

1) no write cache: (cache size set to 0)

- event_size > buffer_size -> reject the event (obviously)
- event_size > 0.5 * buffer_size -> only 1 event fits into the buffer, next write 
will stall until mlogger reads the previous event (sequential operation, bad)
- event_size < 0.3 * buffer_size -> at least 2 events fit into the buffer (good)

decision: limit event size to 0.5 to 0.3 * buffer_size (current limit is 0.5 * 
buffer_size, I think).

consequence: buffer size limit is 2 Gbytes (32-bit byte offsets, code is only 31-
bit-clean), max event size is between 1 Gbytes and 0.6 Gbytes.

2) writing to write cache:

- event_size > cache_size -> flush cache, write event to directly to buffer
- event_size > 0.5 * cache_size -> inefficient use of cache: write to cache, next 
event does not fit, flush to buffer, repeat. no gain in semaphore locking (bad), one 
additional memcpy() (event to cache and cache to buffer) (bad)
- event_size < 0.3 * cache_size -> multiple events fit into cache, but probably no 
gain in semaphore locking

decision: events that are bigger than 0.3 to 0.1 * cache_size should not go through 
the cache. (flush cache, write directly to buffer).

3) flush write cache to buffer:

- cache_size > buffer_size -> cannot flush in 1 operation, must have a loop and 
flush the cache in pieces
- cache_size between 0.5 and 1.0 * buffer_size -> can flush in 1 operation, but must 
wait for mlogger to fully empty the buffer (sequential operation, bad)
- cache size < 0.3 * buffer_size -> can flush in 1 operation, at least 2 "flushes" 
fit inside the buffer (good)

decision: limit write cache size to 0.3 * buffer_size. (current limit is 


- write cache size limit is 0.3..0.25 * 2GB = 0.6..0.5 Gbytes
- cached event size limit is 0.3..0.1 * 0.5 GBytes = 150..50 Mbytes
- minimum number of cached events: 3 to 10
- semaphore locks reduced: 3 to 10 locks become 1 lock (all events cached),
4 to 11 locks become 2 locks (big event causes cache flush).

4) complications:

- there is a periodic 1/second bm_flush_cache() that flushes the cache early and 
reduces it's efficiency (but needed to avoid having data stuck in cache for long 
- if multiple frontends use large write cache (~ 0.3..0.5 * buffer_size), again, 
sequential operation can happen (bad)
- write cache is per-frontend, not per-equipment. if different equipments request 
different cache sizes, mfe.c and tmfe c++ frontends complain about this, but the 
user has to sort it out.

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