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Message ID: 2437     Entry time: 10 Oct 2022
Author: Zaher Salman 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: JSON-RPC function to read files 
Hello ,

The midas sequencer uses the function js_seq_list_files to get a list of files in the /Sequencer/State/Path with extension *.msl. It would be nice to generalize this function to be able to read files with other (or any) extension.

Based on the js_seq_list_files I added a function in js_any_list_files mjsonrpc_user.cxx (attached) which does the job. Maybe a better/safer implementation can be made in midas. Are there any plans to do this?

Attachment 1: mjsonrpc_user.cxx  8 kB  Uploaded 10 Oct 2022  | Hide | Hide all

  Name:         mjsonrpc_user.cxx
  Created by:   Konstantin Olchanski

  Contents:     handler of user-provided and experimental JSON-RPC requests


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <map>

#include "mjson.h"
#include "midas.h"
#include "msystem.h"

#include "mjsonrpc.h"

#include <mutex> // std::mutex

// example 1: extract request parameters, return up to 3 results

static MJsonNode* user_example1(const MJsonNode* params)
   if (!params) {
      MJSO* doc = MJSO::I();
      doc->D("example of user defined RPC method that returns up to 3 results");
      doc->P("arg", MJSON_STRING, "example string argment");
      doc->P("optional_arg?", MJSON_INT, "optional example integer argument");
      doc->R("string", MJSON_STRING, "returns the value of \"arg\" parameter");
      doc->R("integer", MJSON_INT, "returns the value of \"optional_arg\" parameter");
      return doc;

   MJsonNode* error = NULL;

   std::string arg  = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "arg", &error)->GetString(); if (error) return error;
   int optional_arg = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "optional_arg", NULL)->GetInt();

   if (mjsonrpc_debug)
      printf("user_example1(%s,%d)\n", arg.c_str(), optional_arg);

   return mjsonrpc_make_result("string", MJsonNode::MakeString(arg.c_str()), "integer", MJsonNode::MakeInt(optional_arg));

// example 2: extract request parameters, return more than 3 results

static MJsonNode* user_example2(const MJsonNode* params)
   if (!params) {
      MJSO* doc = MJSO::I();
      doc->D("example of user defined RPC method that returns more than 3 results");
      doc->P("arg", MJSON_STRING, "example string argment");
      doc->P("optional_arg?", MJSON_INT, "optional example integer argument");
      doc->R("string1", MJSON_STRING, "returns the value of \"arg\" parameter");
      doc->R("string2", MJSON_STRING, "returns \"hello\"");
      doc->R("string3", MJSON_STRING, "returns \"world!\"");
      doc->R("value1", MJSON_INT, "returns the value of \"optional_arg\" parameter");
      doc->R("value2", MJSON_NUMBER, "returns 3.14");
      return doc;

   MJsonNode* error = NULL;

   std::string arg  = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "arg", &error)->GetString(); if (error) return error;
   int optional_arg = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "optional_arg", NULL)->GetInt();

   if (mjsonrpc_debug)
      printf("user_example2(%s,%d)\n", arg.c_str(), optional_arg);

   MJsonNode* result = MJsonNode::MakeObject();

   result->AddToObject("string1", MJsonNode::MakeString(arg.c_str()));
   result->AddToObject("string2", MJsonNode::MakeString("hello"));
   result->AddToObject("string3", MJsonNode::MakeString("world!"));
   result->AddToObject("value1", MJsonNode::MakeInt(optional_arg));
   result->AddToObject("value2", MJsonNode::MakeNumber(3.14));

   return mjsonrpc_make_result(result);

// example 3: return an error

static MJsonNode* user_example3(const MJsonNode* params)
   if (!params) {
      MJSO* doc = MJSO::I();
      doc->D("example of user defined RPC method that returns an error");
      doc->P("arg", MJSON_INT, "integer value, if zero, throws a JSON-RPC error");
      doc->R("status", MJSON_INT, "returns the value of \"arg\" parameter");
      return doc;

   MJsonNode* error = NULL;

   int arg  = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "arg", &error)->GetInt(); if (error) return error;

   if (mjsonrpc_debug)
      printf("user_example3(%d)\n", arg);

   if (arg)
      return mjsonrpc_make_result("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(arg));
      return mjsonrpc_make_error(15, "example error message", "example error data");

static MJsonNode* js_any_list_files(const MJsonNode* params)
   if (!params) {
      MJSO* doc = MJSO::I();
      doc->P("subdir", MJSON_STRING, "List files in /Seq/State/Path/subdir");
      doc->R("status", MJSON_INT, "return status of midas library calls");
      doc->R("path", MJSON_STRING, "Search path");
      doc->R("fileext", MJSON_STRING, "Filename extension");
      doc->R("subdirs[]", MJSON_STRING, "list of subdirectories");
      doc->R("files[].filename", MJSON_STRING, "script filename");
      doc->R("files[].description", MJSON_STRING, "script description");
      return doc;

   MJsonNode* error = NULL;

   std::string subdir = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "subdir", &error)->GetString(); if (error) return error;
   std::string fileext  = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "fileext", &error)->GetString(); if (error) return error;
   std::string path  = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "path", NULL)->GetString(); 

   if (subdir.find("..") != std::string::npos) {
      return mjsonrpc_make_result("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(DB_INVALID_PARAM));

   int status;

   status = cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);

   if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
      return mjsonrpc_make_result("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(status));

   //   std::string path;
   // If path is not provided get from ODB
   if (path == "") {
      status = db_get_value_string(hDB, 0, "/Sequencer/State/Path", 0, &path, FALSE);
   if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
      return mjsonrpc_make_result("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(status));

   path = cm_expand_env(path.c_str());

   if (subdir.length() > 0) {
      if (path[path.length()-1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) {
         path += DIR_SEPARATOR_STR;
      path += subdir;

   char* flist = NULL;

   //printf("path: [%s]\n", path.c_str());

   MJsonNode* s = MJsonNode::MakeArray();
   /*---- go over subdirectories ----*/
   int n = ss_dir_find(path.c_str(), "*", &flist);

   for (int i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
      if (flist[i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH] != '.') {
         //printf("subdir %d: [%s]\n", i, flist+i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
   MJsonNode* f = MJsonNode::MakeArray();

   /*---- go over files in path ----*/
   n = ss_file_find(path.c_str(), fileext.c_str(), &flist);
   for (int i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
      //printf("file %d: [%s]\n", i, flist+i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
      MJsonNode* o = MJsonNode::MakeObject();
      o->AddToObject("filename", MJsonNode::MakeString(flist+i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH));
      o->AddToObject("description", MJsonNode::MakeString("description"));
#if 0
      char comment[512];
      comment[0] = 0;
      strlcpy(str, path, sizeof(str));
      if (strlen(str)>1 && str[strlen(str)-1] != DIR_SEPARATOR)
         strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(str));
      strlcat(str, flist+i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH, sizeof(str));
      if (msl_parse(str, error, sizeof(error), &error_line)) {
         if (strchr(str, '.')) {
            *strchr(str, '.') = 0;
            strlcat(str, ".xml", sizeof(str));
         comment[0] = 0;
         if (pnseq) {
            pnseq = NULL;
         pnseq = mxml_parse_file(str, error, sizeof(error), &error_line);
         if (error[0]) {
            strlcpy(comment, error, sizeof(comment));
         } else {
            if (pnseq) {
               pn = mxml_find_node(pnseq, "RunSequence/Comment");
               if (pn)
                  strlcpy(comment, mxml_get_value(pn), sizeof(comment));
                  strcpy(comment, "<No description in XML file>");
         if (pnseq) {
            pnseq = NULL;
      } else {
         sprintf(comment, "Error in MSL: %s", error);
      strsubst(comment, sizeof(comment), "\"", "\\\'");
      r->rsprintf("<option onClick=\"document.getElementById('cmnt').innerHTML='%s'\"", comment);
      r->rsprintf(" onDblClick=\"load();\">%s</option>\n", flist+i*MAX_STRING_LENGTH);

   flist = NULL;

   MJsonNode* r = MJsonNode::MakeObject();
   r->AddToObject("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(SUCCESS));
   r->AddToObject("path", MJsonNode::MakeString(path.c_str()));
   r->AddToObject("subdirs", s);
   r->AddToObject("files", f);
   return mjsonrpc_make_result(r);


// to create your own rpc method handler, copy one of the examples here, register it in user_init below

// user_init function is called at startup time to register user rpc method handlers

void mjsonrpc_user_init()
   if (mjsonrpc_debug) {

   // add user functions to the rpc list

   mjsonrpc_add_handler("user_example1", user_example1);
   mjsonrpc_add_handler("user_example2", user_example2);
   mjsonrpc_add_handler("user_example3", user_example3);
   mjsonrpc_add_handler("any_list_files", js_any_list_files, true);

/* emacs
 * Local Variables:
 * tab-width: 8
 * c-basic-offset: 3
 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
 * End:

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