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Entry  11 Nov 2022, Frederik Wauters, Bug Fix, O_CREAT in open in split.cxx 
    Reply  12 Nov 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, O_CREAT in open in split.cxx 
       Reply  17 Nov 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, O_CREAT in open in split.cxx 
Message ID: 2449     Entry time: 17 Nov 2022     In reply to: 2448
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Bug Fix 
Subject: O_CREAT in open in split.cxx 
> > midas currently does not compile on linux
> > fix is to give open in midas/examples/lowlevel/split.cxx a default mode, e.g. 006600

I got more warnings from split.cxx, looked at the code and see so many problems that it is easier
to delete it than it is to fix it.

Check for end of file is done incorrectly (check for read() return 0, -1 or short read),
memory overrun if given file name is longer than 80 bytes, no check for valid event length
read from the file, and so on and so on.

A better example for reading and writing midas files is in midasio/test_midasio.cxx. Proper c++ coding, and can read compressed files.

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