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Entry  15 Mar 2023, Casey, Forum, Having trouble with MIDAS setup 
    Reply  16 Mar 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Having trouble with MIDAS setup 
Message ID: 2465     Entry time: 15 Mar 2023     Reply to this: 2467
Author: Casey 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Having trouble with MIDAS setup 

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this query (if it is not, I would truly appreciate it if someone could point me at the right forum). I'm having a little bit of trouble with the setup of a Midas system.

Now, this is a system that I inherited after the previous guy who was looking after it went to other employment. There was a point at which it was working. And then there was an unrelated issue in the electrical system which, as a side effect, meant that the building lost power for a time, and the entire system had to be rebooted.

No problem, I thought. I'll just reset and restart all of the software...

...and I can't seem to get it to work. I keep getting the error message "mvme_read_value: Could not perform read!: Bad address". So far as I can tell, this seems to be related to the idea that the base address being used to read from the boards is incorrect. The base addresses are hardcoded in the software (not autogenerated) and, aside from the power going down and up again, the hardware hasn't been touched since the system was working.

I imagine that there is something that needs to be set, twiddled, tweaked, or turned on in the driver. The output of 'lsmod | grep vme' is:

vmedriver             117742  0

so presumably the driver is at least *present*, even if I have no idea how to twiddle anything on it.

Could anyone perhaps suggest a way forward? Is there some way to gather the information that I need, perhaps, or some way to twiddle anything twiddle-able on the driver?

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