> Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the
> transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this
> was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
> Stefan
Hi Stefan,
I copied deferredfe.cxx to mydeferredfe.cxx and I changed mydeferred.cxx to be a different frontend:
const char *frontend_name = "mydeferredfe";
If I start two "different" frontends:
and try to start/stop a run... the result is the same: frontend status messing up on next 'start':
Started run 332
Event ID:4 - Event#: 0
Event ID:4 - Event#: 1
Event ID:4 - Event#: 2
Event ID:4 - Event#: 3
Event ID:4 - Event#: 4
Event ID:4 - Event#: 5
Event ID:4 - Event#: 6
Started run 332
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 0
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 1
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 2
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 3
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 4
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 5
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 6
so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...
is this the case ?
Gennaro |