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Entry  24 Jul 2023, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, Incompatible data types with mysql odbc interface 
    Reply  25 Jul 2023, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, Incompatible data types with mysql odbc interface 
Message ID: 2561     Entry time: 24 Jul 2023     Reply to this: 2562
Author: Nick Hastings 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Incompatible data types with mysql odbc interface 

I have recently set up a midas-2022-05-c instance and have been trying to configure
it to use the mysql odbc interface. Tables are being created for it but
the logger is issuing errors that some of the column types are incorrect. For example
in the log I see:

14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'State' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'state' type 'INT UNSIGNED'
14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'Run number' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'run_number' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking the table in the database I see:

MariaDB [t2kgscND280]> describe run_transitions;
| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default             | Extra                         |
| _t_time    | timestamp        | NO   | MUL | current_timestamp() | on update current_timestamp() |
| _i_time    | int(11)          | NO   | MUL | NULL                |                               |
| state      | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
| run_number | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Please note that this is not the only history variable that has this problem. There are multiple variables
for which:

Incompatible data type for tag 'Foo Bar' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'foo_bar' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking history_odbc.cxx, I see:

static const char *sql_type_mysql[] = {
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_UINT8
   "tinyint",           // TID_INT8
   "char",              // TID_CHAR
   "smallint unsigned", // TID_UINT16
   "smallint",          // TID_INT16
   "integer unsigned",  // TID_UINT32
   "integer",           // TID_INT32
   "tinyint",           // TID_BOOL
   "float",             // TID_FLOAT
   "double",            // TID_DOUBLE
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_BITFIELD
   "VARCHAR",           // TID_STRING

So it seems that unsigned int should map to UINT32.

The database is:
Server version: 10.5.16-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Please let me know if more information is needed.

Note that the choice of using the odbc interface is because we
plan to import an old database that was created using the odbc interface
with a previous version of midas (yes this is your old friend T2K/ND280).


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