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Entry  15 Jan 2024, Frederik Wauters, Forum, dump history FILE files 
    Reply  28 Jan 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, dump history FILE files 
       Reply  18 Feb 2024, Frederik Wauters, Forum, dump history FILE files 
Message ID: 2691     Entry time: 28 Jan 2024     In reply to: 2671     Reply to this: 2716
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: dump history FILE files 
$ cat mhf_1697445335_20231016_run_transitions.dat
event name: [Run transitions], time [1697445335]
tag: tag: /DWORD 1 4 /timestamp
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 State
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 Run number
record size: 12, data offset: 1024

data is in fixed-length record format. from the file header, you read "record size" is 12 and data starts at offset 1024.

the 12 bytes of the data record are described by the tags:
4 bytes of timestamp (DWORD, unix time)
4 bytes of State (UINT32)
4 bytes of "Run number" (UINT32)

endianess is "local endian", which means "little endian" as we have no big-endian hardware anymore to test endian conversions.

file format is designed for reading using read() or mmap().

and you are right mhdump, does not work on these files, I guess I can write another utility that does what I just described and spews the numbers to stdout.

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