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Entry  03 Jul 2024, Tam Kai Chung, Bug Report, Fail to build in the examples/experiment 
    Reply  04 Jul 2024, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, Fail to build in the examples/experiment 
       Reply  05 Jul 2024, Tam Kai Chung, Bug Report, Fail to build in the examples/experiment 
Message ID: 2784     Entry time: 03 Jul 2024     Reply to this: 2786
Author: Tam Kai Chung 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Fail to build in the examples/experiment 
Dear experts,
I am a new user of MIDAS. I try to follow the instruction from
to install MIDAS in Fedora 39.

When I try to have a try in the section of "Clients run on Localhost only"

I get the error of "undefined reference to" several variables in the mfe.cxx. For example the variable "max_event_size_frag". May I know any idea about this issue? Thank you.

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