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Entry  22 Jun 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, manalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding 
    Reply  05 Jul 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, shared pointers for more flexible memory managment of the analysis 'flow' and TMEvent 
       Reply  05 Jul 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer 
Message ID: 2790     Entry time: 05 Jul 2024     In reply to: 2783     Reply to this: 2791
Author: Joseph McKenna 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: shared pointers for more flexible memory managment of the analysis 'flow' and TMEvent 
> Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post two pull requests, if not, please let me know where I should be submitting them
> Both are fairly small changes, please see them listed below (more details written on the PRs themselves)
> - Enable ROOT's thread safety when running in multithreaded mode
> This helps avoid users having to write their call to a global thread lock when calling ->Fill() on ROOT histograms and Trees
> - Add command argument to specify an IP of the root HTTP server to bind to
> This was a problem I painted around when at ALPHA (quickly hardcoding the right external IP address into the local build. Obviously a bad habit)

Further to the pull manalyzer pull requests, I have another feature I would like to add. Took a little longer to test than planned... here I present an effort to use smart pointers to manage the lifetime of TMEvents and TAFlow.

I will be interested to discuss the implications of this pull request (its possible to return to previous 'raw' pointers via a cmake toggle)
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5