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Entry  15 Aug 2024, Scott Oser, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts 
    Reply  19 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts 
       Reply  22 Aug 2024, Scott Oser, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts 
    Reply  11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts 
Message ID: 2804     Entry time: 15 Aug 2024     Reply to this: 2805   2838
Author: Scott Oser 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts 
We often use the MIDAS sequencer to temporarily control detector settings, such as:

* <change some setting>
* WAIT 60 seconds
* <revert setting to original value>

The question arises of what happens if the sequencer scripts gets aborted during that wait, preventing the value from being reset.  Depending on the setting, this could be undesirable or even damage something if left uncorrected for too long.

Is there any way to have a "safe abort" from the sequencer so that the "Stop immediately" button will call some cleanup script to leave things in a safe state?  Or what about if the sequencer process itself gets killed in the middle of a script?

How have other experiments using MIDAS protected themselves from unplanned terminations of sequencer scripts?
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