To reproduce:
In the interactive ODB, click the 🔗 icon to create a link. Next to the target, click the "..." button to open
the key picker browser. Then try to close it by either:
- Selecting a key and clicking ok
- Clicking "cancel"
- Clicking the red circle at the top left
Expected result:
The key picker closes
Actual result:
The key picker does not close.
Depending on how you trying to close the picker, the error messages in the debug console differ slightly.
On the red circle:
Uncaught TypeError: dlg is null
dlgClose http://localhost:8080/controls.js:791
onclick http://localhost:8080/?cmd=ODB&odb_path=/Test:1
On "ok" or "cancel":
Uncaught TypeError: dlg is null
dlgMessageDestroy http://localhost:8080/controls.js:828
pickerButton http://localhost:8080/odbbrowser.js:453
onclick http://localhost:8080/?cmd=ODB&odb_path=/Test:1
Another more minor visual problem is the edit-on-start dialog. There seems to be no upper bound to the
size of the text box. In the attached screenshot, ShortString has a maximum length of 32 characters,
LongString has 255. Both are empty at the time of the screenshot. Maybe, the size should be limited to a
reasonable width. |