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Entry  05 Nov 2024, Jack Carlton, Forum, How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer? data_pipeline_(2).cxxMidasConnector.cppmain.cpp
    Reply  05 Nov 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Forum, How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer? 
Message ID: 2885     Entry time: 05 Nov 2024     Reply to this: 2886
Author: Jack Carlton 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer? 
If there's some template for writing a client to access event data, that would be 
very useful (and you can probably just ignore the context I gave below in that 

Some context:

Quite a while ago, I wrote the attached "data pipeline" client whose job was to 
listen for events, copy their data, and pipe them to a python script. I believe I 
just stole bits and pieces from mdump.cxx to accomplish this. Later I wrote the 
attached wrapper class "MidasConnector.cpp" and a main.cpp to generalize
data_pipeline.cxx a bit. There were a lot of iterations to the code where I had the 
below problems; so don't take the logic in the attached code as the exact code that 
caused the issues below.

However, I'm unable to resolve a couple issues:

1. If a timeout is set, everything will work until that timeout is reached. Then 
regardless of what kind of logic I tried to implement (retry receiving event, 
disconnect and reconnect client, etc.) the client would refuse to receive more data.

2. When I ctrl-C main, it hangs; this is expected because it's stuck in a while 
loop. But because I can't set a timeout I have to ctrl-C twice; this would 
occasionally corrupt the ODB which was not ideal. I was able to get around this with 
some impractical solution involving ncurses I believe.

Attachment 1: data_pipeline_(2).cxx  3 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: MidasConnector.cpp  3 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: main.cpp  3 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
#include "event_processor/EventProcessor.h"
#include "data_transmitter/DataTransmitter.h"
#include "midas_connector/MidasConnector.h"
#include "json.hpp"
#include <fstream>

INT hBufEvent1;
INT hBufEvent2;

// Function to initialize MIDAS and open an event buffer
bool initializeMidas(MidasConnector& midasConnector, const nlohmann::json& config) {
    // Set the MidasConnector properties based on the config

    // Call the ConnectToExperiment method
    if (!midasConnector.ConnectToExperiment()) {
        return false;

    // Call the OpenEventBuffer method
    if (!midasConnector.OpenEventBuffer()) {
        return false;

    // Set the buffer cache size if requested

    // Place a request for a specific event id
    if (!midasConnector.RequestEvent()) {
        return false;

    return true;

int main() {
    // Read configuration from a JSON file
    nlohmann::json config;
    std::ifstream configFile("config.json");
    configFile >> config;

    // Initialize MidasConnector and connect to the MIDAS experiment
    MidasConnector midasConnector(config["clientName"].get<std::string>().c_str());
    if (!initializeMidas(midasConnector, config)) {
        printf("Error: Failed to initialize MIDAS.\n");
        return 1;

    // Read the maximum event size from the JSON configuration
    INT max_event_size = config["maxEventSize"].get<int>();

    // Allocate memory for storing event data dynamically
    void* event_data = malloc(max_event_size);

    // Initialize EventProcessor with detector mapping file and verbosity flag
    EventProcessor eventProcessor(config["detectorMappingFile"].get<std::string>(), config["verbose"].get<bool>());

    // Initialize DataTransmitter with the ZeroMQ address
    DataTransmitter dataPublisher(config["zmqAddress"].get<std::string>());

    // Connect to the ZeroMQ server
    if (!dataPublisher.bind()) {
        // Handle connection error
        printf("Error: Failed to bind to port %s.\n", config["zmqAddress"].get<std::string>().c_str());
        return 1;
    } else {
        printf("Connected to the ZeroMQ server.\n");

    // Event processing loop
    while (true) {

        midasConnector.ReceiveEvent(event_data, max_event_size);

        //Prcoess data once we have it
        eventProcessor.processEvent(event_data, max_event_size);

        // Serialize the event data with EventProcessor and store it in serializedData
        std::string serializedData = eventProcessor.getSerializedData();

        // Send the serialized data to the ZeroMQ server with DataTransmitter
        if (!dataPublisher.publish(serializedData)) {
            // Handle send error
            printf("Error: Failed to send serialized data.\n");

    // Cleanup and finalize your application
    midasConnector.DisconnectFromExperiment(); // Disconnect from the MIDAS experiment

    return 0;
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