setting up midas, starting mhttpd and mlogger and running fetest.
The History page and the javascript mjsonrpc client are both able to fetch historical data for test_slow/data. Javascript code used is included here:
start_time: Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() /1000) - 1000,
end_time: Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() /1000),
events: ["test_slow/data"],
tags: ["data"],
index: [0],
However, the python client does not find any valid events:
An exptab is created and the environment variables MIDAS_EXPTAB and MIDAS_EXPT_NAME and MIDASSYS are set (together with the correct PATH)
Running /midas/python/examples/ and typing in data:
Valid events are:
* Run transitions
* rrandom/SLOW
* test_slow/data
Enter event name: test_slow/data
Valid tags for test_slow/data are:
* data
Enter tag name: data
Event/tag test_slow/data/data has 1 elements
How many hours: 1
Interval in seconds: 1 # other values were also tested, without success
0 entries found
We expect entries to be found, however do not.
Tested setups:
Macbook Pro Sequoia 15.3 with Python 3.13.2, ROOT latest, midas bitbucket commit 84c7ef7
Windows 11 with Python 3.11, ROOT latest, midas latest commit (development branch) |