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Entry  07 Jun 2007, Randolf Pohl, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline crash.out
    Reply  08 Jun 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
       Reply  09 Jun 2007, Randolf Pohl, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
          Reply  10 Jun 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
    Reply  11 Jun 2007, Randolf Pohl, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
       Reply  11 Jun 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
          Reply  12 Jun 2007, Randolf Pohl, Forum, crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
Message ID: 388     Entry time: 11 Jun 2007     In reply to: 382     Reply to this: 389
Author: Randolf Pohl 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: crash when analyzing multiple runs offline 
Hello again,

just for the record, in case somebody else runs into the same problem...

I have hunted down "my" segfault problem to the fact that I book histograms not 
in <module>_init, but in <module>_bor. I have to do so, because only in bor do I 
know which histograms to book, as this information comes from the ODB (booking 
only histograms for CAMAC modules which were set to "read" in the ODB). The core 
dump happens on the first access (->Fill, ->SetName,...) of one of these histos 
in the 2nd run analyzed offline ("./analyzer -r n m").

In mana.c:bor (line 1854) is stated that "all ROOT objects created by user module 
bor() functions go to the output file", and then does a gManaOutputFile->cd();
Consequently, the histograms vanish after the file is closed, therefore the 
segfault when trying to access them in the 2nd run. (I keep track of existing 
histograms, only booking the missing histos in bor.)

The problem goes away with "gROOT->cd()" in <module>_bor, before fiddling with 
TFolders and booking the histogram.

I do, however, not really understand the intention why histos booked in bor() go 
to only the file, whereas histos booked in init() go to memory. Could you please 
comment briefly? Maybe I missed the most important point. And what about online 
mode, should this work?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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