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Entry  14 Jan 2004, Razvan Stefan Gornea, , Access to hardware in the MIDAS framework 
    Reply  14 Jan 2004, Stefan Ritt, , Access to hardware in the MIDAS framework 
       Reply  16 Jan 2004, Razvan Stefan Gornea, , Access to hardware in the MIDAS framework frontend.cmeterdev.c
          Reply  17 Jan 2004, Stefan Ritt, , Access to hardware in the MIDAS framework 
Message ID: 6     Entry time: 14 Jan 2004     In reply to: 5     Reply to this: 7
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Subject: Access to hardware in the MIDAS framework 
There is some information at

and at

http://midas/download/course/ , file "part1.ppt", expecially 
page 59 and page 62 "writing your own device driver".

So what you are missing for your application is a "device driver" for your 
multimeter. The only function it has to implement is the function CMD_INIT 
where you initialize the RS232 port, and the funciton CMD_GET, which sends 
a "R" and reads the value. Now you have two options:

1) You implement RS232 calls directly in your device driver

You link against rs232.c and directly call rs232_init() at the inizialization, 
then call rs232_write() and rs232_read() where you read your 14 ASCII 

2) You call a "bus driver" in your device driver

This method makes the device driver independent of the underlying transport 
interface. So if your next multimeter accepts the same "R" command over 
Ethernet, you can just replace the RS232 bus driver by the TCPIP bus driver 
without having to change your device driver. But I guess that method 2) is not 
worth for such a simple device like your multimeter.

So take nulldev.c or dastemp.c as your starting point, put some RS232 
initialization into the init routine and the communication via "R" into 
the "get" routine. The slow control frontend, driven by mfe.c, should then 
regularly read your multimeter and the value should appear in the ODB. Take 
the examples/slowcont/frontend.c as an example, and adjust the multi_driver[] 
list to use your new device driver (instead of the nulldev).

I would like to mention that the usage of midas only makes sense for some 
experiemnts which require event based readout, using VME or CAMAC crates. If 
your only task is to read out some devices which are called "slow control 
equipment" in the midas language, then you might be better of with labview or 
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