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Message ID: 811     Entry time: 22 Jun 2012
Author: Zisis Papandreou 
Topic: Info 
Subject: adding 2nd ADC and TDC to crate 
Hi folks:

we've been running midas-1.9.5 for a few years here at Regina.  We are now
working on a larger cosmic ray testing that requires a second ADC and second TDC
module in our Camac crate (we use the hytek1331 controller by the way).  We're
baffled as to how to set this up properly.  Specifically we have tried:


/* number of channels */
#define N_ADC  12 
(changed this from the old '8' to '12', and it seems to work for Lecroy 2249)

#define SLOT_ADC0   10
#define SLOT_TDC0   9
#define SLOT_ADC1   15
#define SLOT_TDC1   14

Is this the way to define the additional slots (by adding 0, 1 indices)?

Also, we were not able to get a new bank (ADC1) working, so we used a loop to
tag the second ADC values onto those of the first.

If someone has an example of how to handle multiple ADCs and TDCs and
suggestions as to where changes need to be made (header files, analyser, etc)
this would be great.

Thanks, Zisis...

P.S.  I am attaching the relevant files.
Attachment 1: frontend.c  11 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all

  Name:         frontend.c
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  Contents:     Experiment specific readout code (user part) of
                Midas frontend. This example simulates a "trigger
                event" and a "scaler event" which are filled with
                CAMAC or random data. The trigger event is filled 
                with two banks (ADC0 and TDC0), the scaler event 
                with one bank (SCLR).

  $Log: frontend.c,v $
  Revision 1.14  2002/05/16 21:09:53  midas
  Added max_event_size_frag

  Revision 1.11  2000/08/21 10:32:51  midas
  Added max_event_size, set event_buffer_size = 10*max_event_size

  Revision 1.10  2000/03/13 18:53:29  pierre
  - Added 2nd arg in readout functions (offset for Super event)

  Revision 1.9  2000/03/02 22:00:00  midas
  Added number of subevents as zero

  Revision 1.8  1999/02/24 16:27:01  midas
  Added some "real" readout code

  Revision 1.7  1999/01/20 09:03:38  midas

  Revision 1.6  1999/01/19 10:27:30  midas
  Use new LAM_SOURCE and LAM_STATION macros

  Revision 1.5  1998/11/09 09:14:41  midas
  Added code to simulate random data

  Revision 1.4  1998/10/29 14:27:46  midas
  Added note about FE_ERR_HW in frontend_init()

  Revision 1.3  1998/10/28 15:50:58  midas
  Changed lam to DWORD

  Revision 1.2  1998/10/12 12:18:58  midas
  Added Log tag in header


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "mcstd.h"
#include "experim.h"

/* make frontend functions callable from the C framework */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {frontend.c

/*-- Globals -------------------------------------------------------*/

/* The frontend name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
char *frontend_name = "Sample Frontend";
/* The frontend file name, don't change it */
char *frontend_file_name = __FILE__;

/* frontend_loop is called periodically if this variable is TRUE    */
BOOL frontend_call_loop = FALSE;

/* a frontend status page is displayed with this frequency in ms */
INT display_period = 3000;

/* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
INT max_event_size = 10000;

/* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
INT max_event_size_frag = 5*1024*1024;

/* buffer size to hold events */
INT event_buffer_size = 10*10000;

/* number of channels */
#define N_ADC  12  
#define N_TDC  8  
#define N_SCLR 8

/* CAMAC crate and slots */
#define CRATE      0
#define SLOT_IO   23
#define SLOT_ADC0   10
#define SLOT_TDC0   9 
#define SLOT_ADC1   15
#define SLOT_TDC1   14
#define SLOT_SCLR  12

/*-- Function declarations -----------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_init();
INT frontend_exit();
INT begin_of_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT end_of_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT pause_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT resume_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT frontend_loop();

INT read_trigger_event(char *pevent, INT off);
INT read_scaler_event(char *pevent, INT off);

/*-- Equipment list ------------------------------------------------*/

#undef USE_INT

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {

  { "Trigger",            /* equipment name */
    1, 0,                 /* event ID, trigger mask */
    "SYSTEM",             /* event buffer */
#ifdef USE_INT
    EQ_INTERRUPT,         /* equipment type */
    EQ_POLLED,            /* equipment type */
    LAM_SOURCE(CRATE,LAM_STATION(SLOT_TDC0)), /* event source crate 0, TDC */
    "MIDAS",              /* format */
    TRUE,                 /* enabled */
    RO_RUNNING |          /* read only when running */
    RO_ODB,               /* and update ODB */ 
    500,                  /* poll for 500ms */
    0,                    /* stop run after this event limit */
    0,                    /* number of sub events */
    0,                    /* don't log history */
    "", "", "",
    read_trigger_event,   /* readout routine */

  { "Scaler",             /* equipment name */
    2, 0,                 /* event ID, trigger mask */
    "SYSTEM",             /* event buffer */
    EQ_MANUAL_TRIG,       /* equipment type */
    0,                    /* event source */
    "MIDAS",              /* format */
    TRUE,                 /* enabled */
    RO_TRANSITIONS |      /* read when running and on transitions */
    RO_ODB,               /* and update ODB */ 
    10000,                /* read every 10 sec */
    0,                    /* stop run after this event limit */
    0,                    /* number of sub events */
    0,                    /* log history */
    "", "", "",
    read_scaler_event,    /* readout routine */

  { "" }

#ifdef __cplusplus

              Callback routines for system transitions

  These routines are called whenever a system transition like start/
  stop of a run occurs. The routines are called on the following

  frontend_init:  When the frontend program is started. This routine
                  should initialize the hardware.
  frontend_exit:  When the frontend program is shut down. Can be used
                  to releas any locked resources like memory, commu-
                  nications ports etc.

  begin_of_run:   When a new run is started. Clear scalers, open
                  rungates, etc.

  end_of_run:     Called on a request to stop a run. Can send 
                  end-of-run event and close run gates.

  pause_run:      When a run is paused. Should disable trigger events.

  resume_run:     When a run is resumed. Should enable trigger events.


/*-- Frontend Init -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_init()
  /* hardware initialization */


  /* enable LAM in IO unit */
  /* camc(CRATE, SLOT_IO, 0, 26); */

  /* enable LAM in crate controller */
  /* cam_lam_enable(CRATE, SLOT_IO); */
  /* reset external LAM Flip-Flop */
  /* camo(CRATE, SLOT_IO, 1, 16, 0xFF); */
  /* camo(CRATE, SLOT_IO, 1, 16, 0); */

  /* print message and return FE_ERR_HW if frontend should not be started */

  return SUCCESS;

/*-- Frontend Exit -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_exit()
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- Begin of Run --------------------------------------------------*/

INT begin_of_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  /* put here clear scalers etc. */

  /* clear TDC units */
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC0, 0, 9);
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC1, 0, 9); 
  /* clear ADC units */
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC0, 0, 9);
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC1, 0, 9); 

  /* disable LAM in ADC and TDC1 units */
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC0, 0, 24);
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC1, 0, 24); 
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC1, 0, 24); 
  /* enable LAM in TDC0 unit */
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC0, 0, 26);
  cam_lam_enable(CRATE, SLOT_TDC0);
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- End of Run ----------------------------------------------------*/

INT end_of_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC0, 0, 24);
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC0, 0, 24); 
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_TDC1, 0, 24);
  camc(CRATE, SLOT_ADC1, 0, 24); 

  return SUCCESS;

/*-- Pause Run -----------------------------------------------------*/

INT pause_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- Resuem Run ----------------------------------------------------*/

INT resume_run(INT run_number, char *error)
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- Frontend Loop -------------------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_loop()
  /* if frontend_call_loop is true, this routine gets called when
     the frontend is idle or once between every event */
  return SUCCESS;


  Readout routines for different events


/*-- Trigger event routines ----------------------------------------*/

INT poll_event(INT source, INT count, BOOL test)
/* Polling routine for events. Returns TRUE if event
   is available. If test equals TRUE, don't return. The test
   flag is used to time the polling */
int   i;
DWORD lam;
... 155 more lines ...
Attachment 2: analyzer.c  7 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: analyzer.h  716 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all | Show all

  Name:         analyzer.h
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  Contents:     Analyzer global include file

  $Log: analyzer.h,v $
  Revision 1.2  1998/10/12 12:18:58  midas
  Added Log tag in header

/*-- Parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/

/* number of channels */
#define N_ADC              12
#define N_TDC               8
#define N_SCLR              8

/*-- Histo ID bases ------------------------------------------------*/

#define ADCCALIB_ID_BASE 2000
#define ADCSUM_ID_BASE   3000
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