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Entry  12 Dec 2012, Shaun Mead, Bug Report, ss_thread_kill() kills entire program 
    Reply  13 Dec 2012, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, ss_thread_kill() kills entire program 
    Reply  13 Dec 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ss_thread_kill() kills entire program 
       Reply  13 Dec 2012, Shaun Mead, Bug Report, ss_thread_kill() kills entire program 
Message ID: 841     Entry time: 12 Dec 2012     Reply to this: 842   843
Author: Shaun Mead 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: ss_thread_kill() kills entire program 
Hi, I'm having some trouble getting ss_thread_kill() to work properly. It seems 
to kill the entire program instead 
of just the thread. Here is a test program to show the error:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "msystem.h"

INT f(void *param)
  for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
  return 0;

int main()
  printf("creating thread\n");
  midas_thread_t thr = ss_thread_create(f, NULL);
  printf("killing thread\n");
  return 0;

FLAGS=-g -Wall -DLINUX -DOS_LINUX -I/home/deap/packages/midas/include 
LIBS=-L/home/deap/packages/midas/linux-m64/lib -lmidas -lpthread -lrt -lutil

main.exe: main.cpp 
	g++ $(FLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)


Output when run:


[deap@deap04 multithread]$ ./main.exe 
creating thread
killing thread
[deap@deap04 multithread]$ 

The last "Killed" indicated the whole program got killed, when it should 
actually just kill the thread and then 
print "success".

I noticed the function in system.c uses pthread_kill(). Some google searches 
show me that it may be better to use 
pthread_cancel() (ie
pthread-cancel-and-not-pthread-kill ).

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