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Entry  07 May 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Updated: javascript custom page examples 
    Reply  10 May 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Updated: javascript custom page examples 
Message ID: 884     Entry time: 07 May 2013     Reply to this: 887
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: Updated: javascript custom page examples 
I updated the MIDAS javascript examples in examples/javascript1. All existing mhttpd.js functions are 
now exampled. (yes).

Here is the full list of functions, with notes:

ODBSet(path, value, pwdname);
ODBGet(path, format, defval, len, type);
ODBMGet(paths, callback, formats); --- doc incomplete - no example of callback() use
ODBExtractRecord(record, key);
new ODBKey(path); --- doc incomplete, wrong - one has to use "new ODBKey" - last_used was added.
ODBCopy(path, format); -- no doc
ODBRpc_rev0(name, rpc, args); --- doc refer to example
ODBRpc_rev1(name, rpc, max_reply_length, args); --- same
ODBGetAlarms(); --- no doc
ODBEdit(path); --- undoc - forces page reload

As annotated, the main documentation is partially incomplete and partially wrong (i.e. ODBKey() has to be 
invoked as "new ODBKey()"). I hope this will be corrected soon. In the mean time, I recommend that 
everybody uses this example as best documentation available.

svn rev 5360
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5