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Entry  21 Aug 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Documentation for ODBGet() & co, Javascript and AJAX functions. 
    Reply  22 Aug 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Documentation for ODBGet() & co, Javascript and AJAX functions. 
       Reply  25 Sep 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Documentation for ODBGet() & co, Javascript and AJAX functions. 
Message ID: 915     Entry time: 25 Sep 2013     In reply to: 899
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: Documentation for ODBGet() & co, Javascript and AJAX functions. 
> > The bulk of the MIDAS AJAX and Javascript functions is now documented on the MIDAS Wiki:
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> The documentation was updated again.

Newly documented are the additional Javascript and AJAX functions present in the GIT branch "feature/ajax":

ODBMCreate(paths, types);
ODBMCreate(paths, types, arraylengths, stringlengths, callback);  
ODBMResize(paths, arraylengths, stringlengths, callback);  
ODBMRename(paths, names, callback);  
ODBMLink(paths, links, callback);  
ODBMReorder(paths, indices, callback);
ODBMKey(paths, callback);
ODBMDelete(paths, callback);

All these functions permit asynchronous use (with callback on completion) and the underlying AJAX functions permit JSON-P encoding.

ODBSetUrl("") : this new function removes the restriction that custom scripts had to be loaded from the same mhttpd that they will 
access. Together with the newly added CORS support in mhttpd, allows loading custom scripts from any web server, including local file, and having then access any one (or 
any several) mhttpd data sources.

I think these new functions are now stable (I still had to make some changes to ODBMCreate() recently) and after some more testing this branch will be merged into 

To use this branch, do either:
a) git clone midas; git pull; git checkout feature/ajax
b) git clone midas; git checkout develop; git pull; git checkout -b ajaxtest; git merge feature/ajax;

(Option (b) creates a local branch with the latest "develop" and "feature/ajax" merged together).

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