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ID Dateup Author Topic Subject
  2767   16 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmidas alarm borked condition evaluation
I am updating the TRIUMF IRIS experiment to the latest version of MIDAS. I see following error messages in midas.log:

19:06:16.806 2024/05/16 [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6967:db_get_data_index,ERROR] index (29) exceeds array length (20) for key 

19:06:15.806 2024/05/16 [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6967:db_get_data_index,ERROR] index (30) exceeds array length (20) for key 

The errors are correct, there is only 20 elements in that array. The errors are coming every few seconds, they spam midas.log. How do I fix 
them? Where do they come from? There is no additional diagnostics or information to go from.

In the worst case, they come from some custom web page that reads wrong index variables from ODB. mhttpd currently provides no diagnostics to 
find out which web page could be causing this.

But maybe it's internal to MIDAS? I save odb to odb.json, "grep Measured odb.json" yields:
iris00:~> grep Measured odb.json 
        "Condition" : "/Equipment/Beamline/Variables/Measured[29] > 1e-5",
        "Condition" : "/Equipment/Beamline/Variables/Measured[30] < 0.5",

So wrong index errors is coming from evaluated alarms.
ODB "/Alarms/Alarm system active" is set to "no" (alarm system is disabled), the errors are coming.
ODB "/Alarms/Alarms/TP4/Active" is set to "no" (specific alarm is disabled), the errors are coming.
WTF? (and this is recentish borkage, old IRIS MIDAS had the same wrong index alarms and did not generate these errors).

- where is the error message "evaluated alarm XXX cannot be computed because YYY cannot be read from ODB!"
- disabled alarm should not be computed
- alarm system is disabled, alarms should not be computed


P.S. I am filing bug reports here, I cannot be bothered with the 25-factor authentication to access bitbucket.
  2768   17 May 2024 Stefan RittBug Reportmidas alarm borked condition evaluation
This is a common problem I also encountered in the past. You get a low-level ODB access error (could also be a read of a non-existing key) and you 
have no idea where this comes from. Could be the alarm system, a mhttpd web page, even some user code in a front-end over which the midas library 
has no control.

One option would be to add a complete stack dump to each of these error (ROOT does something like that), but I hear already people shouting "my 
midas.log is flooded with stack dumps!". So what I do in this case is I run a midas program in the debugger and set a breakpoint (in your case at 
odb.cxx:6967). If the breakpoint triggers, I inspect the stack and find out where this comes from.

Not that I print a stack dump for such error in the odbxx API. This goes to stdout, not the midas log, and it helped me in the past. Unfortunately 
stack dumps work only under linux (not MacOSX), and they do not contain all information a debugger can show you.

It is not true that alarm conditions are evaluated when the alarm system is off. I just tried and it works fine. The code is here:


      /* check global alarm flag */
      flag = TRUE;
      size = sizeof(flag);
      db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarm system active", &flag, &size, TID_BOOL, TRUE);
      if (!flag)
         return AL_SUCCESS;

so no idea why you see this error if you correctly st "Alarm system active" to false.

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