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    Reply  13 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mstrcpy, was: strlcpy and strlcat added to glibc 2.38 
for the record, as ultimate solution, strlcpy() and strlcat() were wholesale 
replaced by mstrlcpy() and mstrlcat(). this should fix "missing strlcpy()" 
problem for good and make midas more consistent across all platforms (including 
non-linux, non-unix). on my side, I continue replacing these function with proper 
std::string operations. K.O.
    Reply  13 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, manalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding 
> - Enable ROOT's thread safety when running in multithreaded mode
> This helps avoid users having to write their call to a global thread lock when calling ->Fill() on ROOT histograms and Trees

merged by hand. (pull request shows a "rejected", bitbucket has no "merged manually" button).

also noted this change in the documentation:

    Reply  13 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer 
> This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf

sprintf() is not deprecated and "char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%05d", 64-bit-int);" is safe, will never overflow.

we could bulk-convert all these sprintf() to snprintf() but I would rather wait for this:

let me think on this for a bit.

    Reply  17 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Crash using ODB watch 
> {
> odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
>; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> }

this code has a bug. "watch" is attached to object "new_settings" that is deleted
after the closing curly bracket.

I would say Stefan's odb API should not allow you to write code like this. an API defect.

    Reply  24 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Can we convert the .mid file into .root file 
"Can we convert the .mid file into .root file".

yes, you can, but the operation is under-defined. it's like asking "can I convert these stones into houses". the answer is "yes", but it involves 
more than running a universal conversion program.

For this reason, I recommend against converting midas files "to root". for some types of midas data such a conversion makes no sense (i.e. alpha-g 
streamed udp packets with chopped compressed waveforms).

I recommend that you analyze you data in the midas analyzer. You can start with manalyzer_example_root.cxx,
it shows how to create a ROOT histogram, how to access midas event bank data and call the TH1 "Fill" method.

Instead of filling histograms in the analyzer, you can create a ROOT TTree and fill it with data from midas data banks,
effectively you will create your own custom converter from midas to root.

The key thing is that it has to be a custom converter, because only you know the meaning of midas bank data
and how it should be best stored in a root tree.

    Reply  24 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer 
> > I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams
> I fully agree. String streams is a pain if you want to do zero-leading hex output mixed with decimal output. Yes it's easier to read if you don't know printf syntax,
> but 10-20 times more chars to write and not necessarily cleaner.

IMO c++ string streams formatting is optimized for "hello world" and is useless for printing hex numbers, table-formatted data and generally anything real-life.

plus the borked std::to_string() (it takes a global lock for the "C" locale), "fixed" it by introducing std::to_chars() in C++17,
with "ultimate fix" in std::format in C++26.

no question why C++ has the bad reputation. for a "done right" example, take a look at the Go standard library.

> Probable is that we would have to convert about a few thousand of sprintf's() in midas.

surprising few bare sprintf() remaining in MIDAS, most of them overflow-safe and most of them to be converted to msprintf().

    Reply  14 Feb 2020, Konrad Briggl, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
Hello Stefan,
is there a difference for the later data processing (after writing the ring buffer blocks)
if we write single events or multiple in one rb_get_wp - memcopy - rb_increment_wp cycle?
Both Marius and me have seen some inconsistencies in the number of events produced that is reported in the status page when writing multiple events in one go,
so I was wondering if this is due to us treating the buffer badly or the way midas handles the events after that.

Given that we produce the full event in our (FPGA) domain, an option would be to always copy one event from the dma to the midas-system buffer in a loop.
The question is if there is a difference (for midas) between
[pseudo code, much simplified]

while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
  copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, event_size);


while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
  copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, total_size);


> The rb_xxx function are (thoroughly tested!) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:
> 1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (overall event size, not bank size!). Later there is no protection any more, so if you obtain pdata from rb_get_wp, you can of course write 4GB to pdata, overwriting everything in your memory, causing a total crash. It's your responsibility to not write more bytes into pdata then 
> what you specified as max event size in rb_create()
> 2) Once you obtain a write pointer to the ring buffer via rb_get_wp, this function might fail when the receiving side reads data slower than the producing side, simply because the buffer is full. In that case the producing side has to wait until space is freed up in the buffer by the receiving side. If your call to rb_get_wp returns DB_TIMEOUT, it means that the 
> function did not obtain enough free space for the next event. In that case you have to wait (like ss_sleep(10)) and try again, until you succeed. Only when rb_get_wp() returns DB_SUCCESS, you are allowed to write into pdata, up to the maximum event size specified in rb_create of course. I don't see this behaviour in your code. You would need something 
> like
> do {
>    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
>    if (status == DB_TIMEOUT)
>       ss_sleep(10);
>    } while (status == DB_TIMEOUT);
> Best,
> Stefan
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA sends as a pointer where it has written the last 4kB of data. We use this pointer for telling the ring buffer of midas where the new events are. The buffer looks something like:
> > 
> > // event 1
> > dma_buf[0] = 0x00000001; // Trigger and Event ID
> > dma_buf[1] = 0x00000001; // Serial number
> > dma_buf[2] = TIME; // time
> > dma_buf[3] = 18*4-4*4; // event size
> > dma_buf[4] = 18*4-6*4; // all bank size
> > dma_buf[5] = 0x11; // flags
> > // bank 0
> > dma_buf[6] = 0x46454230; // bank name
> > dma_buf[7] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > dma_buf[8] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > dma_buf[9] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[10] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[11] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > // bank 1
> > dma_buf[12] = 0x1; // bank name
> > dma_buf[12] = 0x46454231; // bank name
> > dma_buf[13] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > dma_buf[14] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > dma_buf[15] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[16] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[17] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > 
> > // event 2
> > .....
> > 
> > dma_buf[fpga_pointer] = 0xXXXXXXXX;
> > 
> > 
> > And we do something like:
> > 
> > while{true}
> >    // obtain buffer space
> >    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
> >    fpga_pointer = fpga.read_last_data_add();
> > 
> >    wlen = last_fpga_pointer - fpga_pointer; \\ in 32 bit words
> >    copy_n(&dma_buf[last_fpga_pointer], wlen, pdata);
> >    rb_status = rb_increment_wp(rbh, wlen * 4); \\ in byte
> > 
> >    last_fpga_pointer = fpga_pointer;
> > 
> > Leaving the case out where the dma_buf wrap around this works fine for a small data rate. But if we increase the rate the fpga_pointer also increases really fast and wlen gets quite big. Actually it gets bigger then max_event_size which is checked in rb_increment_wp leading to an error. 
> > 
> > The problem now is that the event size is actually not to big but since we have multi events in the buffer which are read by midas in one step. So we think in this case the function rb_increment_wp is comparing actually the wrong thing. Also increasing the max_event_size does not help.
> > 
> > Remark: dma_buf is volatile so memcpy is not possible here.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Marius
    Reply  02 Mar 2007, Kevin Lynch, Forum, event builder scalability 
> Hi there:
> I have a question if there's anybody out there running MIDAS with event builder
> that assembles events from more that just a few front ends (say on the order of
> 0x10 or more)?
> Any experiences with scalability?
> Cheers
>  Piotr

Mulan (which you hopefully remember with great fondness :-) is currently running
around ten frontends, six of which produce data at any rate.  If I'm remembering
correctly, the event builder handles about 30-40MB/s.  You could probably ping Tim
Gorringe or his current postdoc Volodya Tishenko ( if you want
more details.  Volodya solved a significant number of throughput related
bottlenecks in the year leading up to our 2006 run.
Entry  15 Dec 2016, Kevin Giovanetti, Bug Report, midas.h error 
creating a frontend on MAC Sierra OSX 10
include the midas.h file and when compiling with XCode I get an error based on
this entry in the midas.h include

#if !defined(OS_IRIX) && !defined(OS_VMS) && !defined(OS_MSDOS) &&
!defined(OS_UNIX) && !defined(OS_VXWORKS) && !defined(OS_WINNT)
#error MIDAS cannot be used on this operating system

Perhaps I should not use Xcode?
Perhaps I won't need Midas.h?

The MIDAS system is running on my MAC but I need to add a very simple front end
for testing and I encounted this error.
Entry  30 Oct 2018, Joseph McKenna, Bug Report, Side panel auto-expands when history page updates 

One can collapse the side panel when looking at history pages with the button in
the top left, great! We want to see many pages so screen real estate is important

The issue we face is that when the page refreshes, the side panel expands. Can
we make the panel state more 'sticky'?

Many thanks
Joseph (ALPHA)

Version: 	2.1
Revision: 	Mon Mar 19 18:15:51 2018 -0700 - midas-2017-07-c-197-g61fbcd43-dirty
on branch feature/midas-2017-10
    Reply  31 Oct 2018, Joseph McKenna, Bug Report, Side panel auto-expands when history page updates 
> > 
> > 
> > One can collapse the side panel when looking at history pages with the button in
> > the top left, great! We want to see many pages so screen real estate is important
> > 
> > The issue we face is that when the page refreshes, the side panel expands. Can
> > we make the panel state more 'sticky'?
> > 
> > Many thanks
> > Joseph (ALPHA)
> > 
> > Version: 	2.1
> > Revision: 	Mon Mar 19 18:15:51 2018 -0700 - midas-2017-07-c-197-g61fbcd43-dirty
> > on branch feature/midas-2017-10
> Hi Joseph,
> In principle a page refresh should now not be necessary, since pages should reload automatically 
> the contents which changes. If a custom page needs a reload, it is not well designed. If necessary, I 
> can explain the details. 
> Anyhow I implemented your "stickyness" of the side panel in the last commit to the develop branch.
> Best regards,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I apologise for miss using the word refresh. The re-appearing sidebar was also seen with the automatic
reload, I have implemented your fix here and it now works great!

Thank you very much!
Entry  14 Oct 2019, Joseph McKenna, Forum, tmfe.cxx - Future frontend design 

I have been looking at the 2019 workshop slides, I am interested in the C++ future of MIDAS. 

I am quite interested in using the object oriented 

ALPHA will start data taking in 2021
Entry  18 Oct 2019, Joseph McKenna, Info, sysmon: New system monitor and performance logging frontend added to MIDAS sysmon-gpu.png

I have written a system monitor tool for MIDAS, that has been merged in the develop branch today: sysmon

To use it, simply run the new program
on any host that you want to monitor, no configuring required.

The program is a frontend for MIDAS, there is no need for configuration, as upon initialisation it builds a history display for you. Simply run one instance per machine you want to monitor. By default, it only logs once per 10 seconds.

The equipment name is derived from the hostname, so multiple instances can be run across multiple machines without conflict. A new history display will be created for each host.

sysmon uses the /proc pseudo-filesystem, so unfortunately only linux is supported. It does however work with multiple architectures, so x86 and ARM processors are supported.

If the build machine has NVIDIA drivers installed, there is an additional version of sysmon that gets built: sysmon-nvidia. This will log the GPU temperature and usage, as well as CPU, memory and swap. A host should only run either sysmon or sysmon-nvidia

elog:1727/1 shows the History Display generated by sysmon-nvidia. sysmon would only generate the first two displays (sysmon/localhost and sysmon/localhost-CPU)
    Reply  03 Dec 2019, Joseph McKenna, Info, mfe.c: MIDAS frontend's 'Equipment name' can embed hostname, determined at run-time 
A little advertised feature of the modifications needed support the msysmon program is 
that MIDAS equipment names can support the injecting of the hostname of the system 
running the frontend at runtime (register_equipment(void)).

A special string ${HOSTNAME} can be put in any position in the equipment name. It will 
be replaced with the hostname of the computer running the frontend at run-time. Note, 
the frontend_name string will be trimmed down to 32 characters.
Example usage: msysmon

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {

  { "${HOSTNAME}_msysmon",   /* equipment name */    {
      EVID_MONITOR, 0,      /* event ID, trigger mask */
      "SYSTEM",             /* event buffer */
      EQ_PERIODIC,          /* equipment type */
      0,                    /* event source */
      "MIDAS",              /* format */
      TRUE,                 /* enabled */
      RO_ALWAYS,            /* Read when running */
      10000,                /* poll every so milliseconds */
      0,                    /* stop run after this event limit */
      0,                    /* number of sub events */
      1,                    /* history period */
      "", "", ""
    read_system_load,/* readout routine */
  { "" }
Entry  01 May 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 

Hi all,

I have been experimenting with a frontend solution for my experiment 
(ALPHA). The intention to replace how we log data from PCs running LabVIEW. 

I am at the proof of concept stage. So far I have some promising 
performance, able to handle 10-100x more data in my test setup (current 
limitations now are just network bandwith, MIDAS is impressively efficient). 


Our experiment has many PCs using LabVIEW which all log to MIDAS, the 
experiment has grown such that we need some sort of load balancing in our 

The concept was to have a 'supervisor frontend' and an array of 'worker 
frontend' processes. 
-A LabVIEW client would connect to the supervisor, then be referred to a 
worker frontend for data logging. 
-The supervisor could start a 'worker frontend' process as the demand 

To increase accountability within the experiment, I intend to have a 'worker 
frontend' per PC connecting. Then any rouge behavior would be clear from the 
MIDAS frontpage.

Presently there around 20-30 of these LabVIEW PCs, but given how the group 
is growing, I want to be sure that my data logging solution will be viable 
for the next 5-10 years. With the increased use of single board computers, I 
chose the target of benchmarking upto 1000 worker frontends... but I quickly 
hit the '64 MAX CLIENTS' and '64 RPC CONNECTION' limit. Ok...

branching and updating these limits:

I have two commits. 
1. update the memory layout assertions and use MAX_CLIENTS as a variable

Unintended side effects:
I break compatibility of existing ODB files... the database layout has 
changed and I read my old ODB as corrupt. In my test setup I can start from 
scratch but this would be horrible for any existing experiment.

Edit: I noticed 'make testdiff' pipeline is failing... also fails locally... 

Early performance results:
In early tests, ~700 PCs logging 10 unique arrays of 10 doubles into 
Equipment variables in the ODB seems to perform well... All transactions 
from client PCs are finished within a couple of ms or less



Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?

Potential solutions other than increasing the MAX_CLIENTS limit:
-Make worker threads inside the supervisor (not a separate process), I am 
using TMFE, so I can dynamically create equipment. I have not yet taken a 
deep dive into how any multithreading is implemented
-One could have a round robin system to load balance between a limited pool 
of 'worker frontend' proccesses. I don't like this solution as I want to 
able to clearly see which client PCs have been setup to log too much data

    Reply  02 May 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
Thank you very much for feedback.

I am satisfied with not changing the 64 client limit. I will look at re-writing my frontend to spawn threads rather than 
processses. The load of my frontend is low, so I do not anticipate issues with a threaded implementation. 

In this threaded scenario, it will be a reasonable amount of time until ALPHA bumps into the 64 client limit.

If it avoids confusion, I am happy for my experimental branch 'experimental-beyond_64_clients' to be deleted.

Perhaps a item for future discussion would be for the odbinit program to be able to 'upgrade' the ODB and enable some backwards 

Thanks again
Entry  19 Nov 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, History plot consuming too much memory 

A user reported an issue that if they were to plot some history data from 
2019 (a range of one day), the plot would spend ~4 minutes loading then 
crash the browser tab. This seems to effect chrome (under default settings) 
and not firefox

I can reproduce the issue, "Data Being Loaded" shows, then the page and 
canvas loads, then all variables get a correct "last data" timestamp, then 
the 'Updating data ...' status shows... then the tab crashes (chrome)

It seems that the browser is loading all data until the present day (maybe 4 
Gb of data in this case). In chrome the tab then crashes. In firefox, I do 
not suffer the same crash, but I can see the single tab is using ~3.5 Gb of 

Tested with midas-2020-08-a up until the HEAD of develop

I could propose the user use firefox, or increase the memory limit in 
chrome, however are there plans to limit the data loaded when specifically 
plotting between two dates?
    Reply  20 Nov 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, History plot consuming too much memory 
Poking at the behavior of this, its fairly clear the slow response is from the data 
being loaded off an HDD, when we upgrade this system we will allocate enough SSD 
storage for the histories.

Using Firefox has resolved this issue for the user's project here

Taking this down a tangent, I have a mild concern that a user could temporarily 
flood our gigabit network if we do have faster disks to read the history data. Have 
there been any plans or thoughts on limiting the bandwidth users can pull from 
mhttpd? I do not see this as a critical item as I can plan the future network 
infrastructure at the same time as the next system upgrade (putting critical data 
taking traffic on a separate physical network).

> Of course one can only
> load that specific window, but when the user then scrolls right, one has to
> append new data to the "right side" of the array stored in the browser. If the
> user jumps to another location, then the browser has to keep track of which 
> windows are loaded and which windows not, making the history code much more 
> complicated. Therefore I'm only willing to spend a few days of solid work
> if this really becomes a problem. 

For now the user here has retrieved all the data they need, and I can direct others 
towards mhist in the near future. Being able to load just a specific window would be 
very useful in the future, but I comprehend how it would be a spike in complexity.
Entry  27 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Info, MIDAS Messenger - A program to send MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost 

I have created a simple program that parses the message buffer in MIDAS and 
sends notifications by webhook to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost.

Active pull request can be found here:

Its written in python and CMake will install it in bin (if the Python3 binary 
is found by cmake). The only dependency outside of the MIDAS python library is 
'requests', full documentation are in the 
    Reply  28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Info, MIDAS Messenger - A program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost merged 
A simple program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost

(Python 3 required)

Pull request accepted! Documentation can be found on the wiki
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5